
ASSOCIATION NEWS THE RADON REPORTER | 13 ASSOCIATION NEWS 12 | January 2024 Celebrating Leaders at Indoor Environments 2023 We acknowledge and thank the leaders, allies, and heroes within our community and the places we live! Chapter Leadership Award: BRIAN COY Chapter Leadership Award: DAISY REZENDE Community Impact Award, Journalist Ally: KARA KENNEY Citizen and Survivor Ally: LEAH PHILLIPS Radon Community Impact Award: GLORIA LINNERTZ Enthusiastic and passionate about radon awareness; consumer protection; and equitable business practices, former RMAARST President, Bryan Coy started RMAARST’s signature event: the golf tournament. Also oversaw several pieces of legislation get passed by the Colorado state government. When Bryan started as RMAARST President, the wheels for the first radon legislation in state history were already turning; however, no one expected him to lead through a second piece of landmark legislation the next year, while spearheading creating new member benefit programs (Lowe’s Pro) and the most successful radon awareness fundraiser in our organization’s history; the blueprint of which he has shared with other chapters. Daisy Rezende organized the Maryland Chapter in 2022 and serves as its President (as well as on the Indoor Environments Association’s Membership Committee). She was integral in achieving implementation of a radon testing requirement for rental properties in Montgomery County, MD and obtaining clarification by the county as well as replication in municipalities not covered by the county’s policy. This same county has had radon testing requirement for home sales since 2015. While leading the new chapter and running her business, Daisy is also providing leadership in achieving state-wide implementation of testing and notification requirements of this county ordinance as well as gaining policy maker consideration of regulation through certification (RtC). Kara Kenney is an investigative reporter based in Indianapolis. She has been covering radon and sounding the alarm on public health issues for years. In 2018, she uncovered schools not following EPA testing recommendations and at least one case where high levels of radon were found. She has kept the issue in the public eye for years to strengthen protection for kids in the classroom. A bill requiring the state health department to distribute radon testing recommendations every 3 years passed in 2019. Kara has continued drawing attention to schools still not testing. She is a top-notch journalist who will continue to be a great ally for the industry. More about Kara Leah Phillips, a mother of three, was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer at age 43 in 2019. She has never smoked. Since being diagnosed, she has teamed up with lung health organizations to advocate for change. In 2023, she testified in front of Kentucky lawmakers which resulted in an early screening/biomarker testing state law. She has spoken to lawmakers about the seriousness of radon in many other settings. Although she has very limited time with us, she always finds time to lend her voice as an advocate for issues surrounding radon. She uses AARST talking points to give audiences an invaluable connection to radon-induced lung cancer. Here is more about her story - lung-cancer/features/lung- cancer-decisions Gloria Linnertz, founder and President of Citizens for Radioactive Radon Reduction (CR3) retired in 2023 and will assume the honorary title of CR3 Advocate Emeritus. After her husband, Joe’s death died from radon- induced lung cancer, Gloria established CR3 as a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization that assisted, encouraged, and prepared advocates in making a difference with awareness, education and action against radioactive radon gas exposure. Gloria created an effective organization that educates the public and private sectors about the real danger of living, working, or attending school in environments with elevated levels of radon gas. She has dedicated over 10 years of her life to fighting for the testing and mitigation of radon gas. 2023 AARST AWARDS