
Radon Community Impact Award, Public Servant Ally: CRYSTINE KELLEY Jack Bartholomew Award: BRUCE SNEAD Chrystine Kelley dutifully served as Radon Program Manager for the Colorado Dept of Public Health and Environment for many years. Nearly every contractor in the state knows her for her prompt, kind assistance on anything and everything radon-related. If she didn’t know the answer to your question; she knew where to get it. She was always available to help as it pertained to her job duties at CDPHE; and when it fell outside of her duties, she volunteered her time because she clearly cared about radon awareness. If you had a radon question in the state of Colorado, you called Chrys. Her contributions, accolades, and resume speak for itself. Bruce Snead has had a lifetime career in public service; his passion is helping communities create safe spaces, whether as a civil engineer or a master radon trainer. As the EPA Region 7 Training Extension Director at Kansas State University he and his team have spearheaded consumer assistance programs in promoting radon awareness, as well as training thousands of radon professionals. He is a phenomenal teacher: engaging, humorous, and intelligent. Physics, chemistry, and construction are not exciting subjects for every pupil, but when Bruce is at the lectern: you listen. Bruce’s devotion to radon awareness; radon testing and mitigation standards and practices; and everything else this fledgling industry demanded are immeasurable. The CRCPD Radon Hero recognizes that exposure to indoor radon is a significant contributor to total radiation exposure received by the public and is the second leading cause of lung cancer. This award is intended to recognize an individual who has demonstrated leadership in reducing the health effects of radon exposure. The award is given based on the individual’s contributions to this effort, on their breadth and scope of services, and commitment to sustained radon risk. In the spirit of these fine educator/researcher(s), the award was given to BILL BRODHEAD for his extensive career spanning research into and education regarding radon technology, methods and best practices. In the spirit of these fine educator/researcher(s), the award was given to BRUCE SNEAD for his extensive career in radon education, passion and involvement in the standards creation process ertablishing best practices for radon testing, analysis, system designs and mitigation. The CRCPD Public Servant Award recognizes a federal, state or local government official (other than a state or local radiation control program director) who has made significant contributions in support of state radiation control programs and/or the public in achieving a better understanding of, and protection from, radiation exposure. The award also is given in memory of public servants who contributed in an outstanding way to the support of state radiation control programs and the protection of people and their environment. Radon Hero Award: PHIL JENKINS Public Servant Award: BRUCE SNEAD CRCPD Awards from the Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors The Indoor Environments Association’s Harley-Fisenne Award The Harley-Fisenne award was created by the association’s Past President Dr. Phillip Jenkins to honor Naomi Harley and Sue Fisenne, two amazing radon pioneers who he regards as major influences and mentors in his own career. Both Harley and Fisenne demonstrated dedication to excellence in their careers through research, teaching others and dedication to quality. 2023 AARST AWARDS