
THE RADON REPORTER | 5 4 | January 2024 Benefits of Membership. Association members were queried about member benefits that they have used in the past or might use in the future. Free continuing education was cited by 83%, followed by free standards (73%), industry news/email (57%), Radon Reporter (50%), Study Guides and QA documents (38%) and discount programs (15%). They were also asked to identify association programs important to business success and growth: NRPP (64%), Standards (60%), Government Affairs (58%), Symposium (40%), and Chapter (32%). INDUSTRY NEWS 2023 Survey of Measurement and Mitigation Professionals The association reached out to industry members in October. The following results come from the 157 businesses that responded. • Credentials: 87% are NRPP certified. • Services : 42% measurement only, 15% mitigation only, 43% both measurement and mitigation. • Type of Soil Gas Work : 3% 50-50 radon/VI, 25% radon/some VI, 71% radon only. • Workforce Size: 35% one worker, 44% two to four workers, 13% five to ten, 8% eleven or more. • Longevity of Business: 39% 20+ years, 25% 10-19 years, 17% five to nine years, 18% < five years. DOWN >20% 26% DOWN 10-20% 24% DOWN <10% 18% NO 32% CONTINUED REDUCED DEMAND FROM “NO CONTINGENCY” / “NO INSPECTION” HOME SALES OR OTHER MARKET ISSUES RETIRING/ MOVING ON 5% STAYING STEADY 29% GROWTH 34% UNCERTAIN 32% Challenges. The survey also asked about business challenges and prospects: “Have you experienced continued reduction in demand for services due to ‘no contingency’ / ‘no inspection’ home sales and/or other housing market issues?” In response to this question, 26% stated that demand was down more than 20% 24% indicated demand was down 10-20% 18% said demand was down less than 10% 32% answered no to this question. Regarding the question about their business outlook over the next year, 34% indicated growth 32% said it was uncertain 29% expected it to stay steady. BUSINESS OUTLOOK 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0 Free Standards Continuing Education Discount Program Industry News / Email Radon Reporter Study Guides / Sample Q&A Docs 1% 2% 5% 14% 33% 46% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% $151 or more $126 - $150 $101 - $125 $76 - $100 $51 - $75 $50 or less 24% 15% 12% 14% 25% 11% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% $151 or more $126 - $150 $101 - $125 $76 - $100 $51 - $75 $50 or less 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0 Chapters Government A airs NRPP Standards Symposium ASSOCIATION MEMBER BENEFITS – PAST/FUTURE USE MEASUREMENT COST: SINGLE-FAMILY ASSOCIATION PROGRAMS IMPORTANT TO BUSINESS SUCCESS/GROWTH MEASUREMENT COST: MULTIFAMILY PER UNIT Measurement Cost. The survey asked about the typical amount the respondent’s business charged for radon measurement services in 2023 using a range of dollar amounts. Nearly half (46%) charge $151 or more for single family measurement services, 33% charge $126-150 and 19% charge $125 or less. For multifamily per unit measurement services the distribution is: 24% charge $151 or more, 15% charge $126-150, 12% charge $101-125, 14% charge $76-100, 25% charge $51-75, and 11% charge $50 or less.