
THE RADON REPORTER | 11 TESTIMONY Divver to gain additional insight. The station aired a follow-up interview in January for National Radon Action Month. After all of the outreach including the two interviews, over 27,000 radon tests were completed in Utah. After mitigation, her house tested at 1 pCi/L. As a result of doing outreach to her own community through Facebook, Kerri found out her neighbors didn’t know about radon either. They started testing. Out of the approximately 50 – 60 homes in her immediate neighborhood, 37 owners reported back to Kerri after testing. Only one home (just two doors down from Kerri’s) tested under 4 picocuries. So in her neighborhood, two in three homes have high radon levels. In addition to speaking at Indoor Environments 2023 in Nashville, Kerri has attended numerous events in senior centers and libraries educating people about radon and testing, and attended numerous home shows. Also, Kerri testified to support Representative Gay Lynn Bennion’s ultimately unsuccessful request for funding for radon test kits to be distributed through Utah’s newborn program. Kerri also convinced the city of Lehi to pass a proclamationdeclaring January asRadonActionMonth in2024. Additionally, she encouraged her city to include a sentence in their annual tax bills to test for radon. Kerri says, “admittedly it’s a small thing, but every bit of outreach for awareness helps.” She continues to be motivated to encourage people to test their homes and tell people about radon. Kerri is the first to say she is so lucky and blessed that her cancer was caught as early as it was. While she is now in remission, she still deals with post-cancer treatment issues such as soft tissue radiation burn therapy.