
THE RADON REPORTER | 17 DATA/MAPPING “While individuals have the choice to test for radon or not, lack of awareness of risk deprives them of that choice entirely.” County Data The specific county-by-county data can be found in the online version of this map. This particular color-coded map illustrates the distributions of elevated radon concentrations, determined by the percentage of high results. Approximately 7 million people, representing 32.4% of Florida’s population, reside in the 6 counties colored red. Additionally, 10.5 million people, comprising 49.3% of Florida’s population, live in the 12 counties colored red or orange. That population figure (10.5 million) is approximately the same as or greater than that of 75% of all other U.S states. For counties with sufficient data and notable radon levels, a data sheet is available for printing or downloading. Below is a snap-shot of one county’s data-sheet. This information will enable promotion of education and awareness regarding radon potential in areas in Florida, encouraging more testing and mitigation efforts, especially where realtors and even homeowners may be unaware of the importance of radon testing. Radon companies operating in areas with historically high radon levels - and elsewhere - can utilize this information for education by providing it to area realtors and distributing it to people with a platform to communicate, such as mayors; city, town, and county council members; and other local leaders. % of test results considered high (4.0 pCi/L or higher). Fix the building. % of test results considered cautionary (2.0-3.9 pCi/L or higher). Consider fixing the building. % of test results considered low (<1.9 pCi/L or higher). Retest the building every 5 years. Radon Test Data Total # of Test 47,754 # of High Results (4.0 pCi/L or above) 12,424 (26%) Highest Result 104 pCi/L Location of highest result Naples - 34105 Data for Upper Floors # of upper-level tests (not ground floor) 9,845 # of high results 2,356 (23.9%) Highest results on upper floor 28.4 pCi/L on 2nd Floor Uppermost Floor with high result 8.9 pCi/l on 22nd Floor Housing Data Housing Units (per US Census) 233,658 % of housing units tested 20.4% Population (per US Census) 386,000