
4 | June 2024 ASSOCIATION NEWS Board Retreat The Indoor Environments Association board retreat was held at the Maritime Conference Center, Linthicum, MD, March 20 through 22. Most Board members attended in person with others joining remotely. This annual retreat aims to foster time for strategic planning, association updates, and collaboration among board members. The retreat began with a warm welcome and an overview of the objectives for a collaborative, productive time over 2.5 days. Discussions commenced with a review of the organization’s accomplishments in 2023, providing context for subsequent deliberations. A report on the progress of the rebranding effort highlighted the association’s continued priority focus on radon while more fully integrating work on vapor intrusion and providing for future attention on other contaminants of concern. Significant effort was dedicated to conducting a SWOT analysis. This analysis involved a thorough examination of the organization’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, serving as a critical component of strategic planning. The results of the SWOT analysis were reviewed alongside an assessment of the strategic plan’s progress to date. This session yielded valuable insights into the organization’s present standing and its trajectory for future development. Productive discussion also centered on the future direction of the certifications program and symposia, highlighting the organization’s commitment to advancing certified professionals and members. Another important focuswas theAssociation’s government affairs work. Updates were provided on state and federal policies impacting the organization. Discussions emphasized the regulatory landscape’s influence on its operations, with particular attention given to advocacy and political action nationally. IEA has strong leadership and advocacy helping with many regional initiatives. Some board members involved in the Vapor Intrusion Stakeholder team addressed the approach to emerging issues and effectively incorporating these issues into the work. The final day was dedicated to crucial decisions and concluding discussions. The board focused on finalizing the 2024 Strategic Plan, ensuring alignment with overarching goals. Ethics within the membership and certification compliance were emphasized, underscoring the organization’s commitment to integrity. Renewing members will be offered the opportunity to support the PAC, AmericanRadon Policy Campaign and the Foundation. A business meeting addressed administrative matters, ensuring smooth operations and new initiatives. The retreat concluded with a wrap-up session, reflecting on discussions and decisions made, reaffirming priorities, and setting the tone for continued collaboration and progress. The Retreat provided dedicated time for productive planning, healthy discussions and critical decisions being made for the future of the association. Call for Nominations: Indoor Environment Association Awards IEA invites nominations for six Association Awards that recognize Radon and Community Leaders who advance the profession. Please consider supporting your colleagues, employees, and community members by making them candidates for an award. Submit Nominations Here. Deadline is June 30, 2024. 2024 Awards 1. Jack Bartholomew Award (est. 2014) – for recognized excellence in the field of professional radon education. 2 Governance Award (est. 2006) – for significant leadership contributing to the Association’s governance. 3. Elizabeth Hoffman Award (est. 2014) – for advocacy by a citizen-advocate contributing to risk reduction awareness and/or radon policy. 4 Radon Community Impact Award – to recognize an industry partner (e.g., real estate agent/ broker, builder, home inspector, state radon program official, public housing authority, journalist, etc.), who advocated for radon awareness in their community. (Standing Annual Award) 5. Radon Community Policy Award – to recognize an individual (e.g., federal, state, or local policymaker) who has an impact on radon policies in our country. 6. Chapter Leadership Award – to recognize an individual leader or the entire Chapter. (Standing Annual Award)