IEA Sept. 2024 Radon Reporter

THE RADON REPORTER | 11 CHAPTER CORNER Ohio Chapter Golf Tournament On June 18th, at the Bent Tree Golf Club in Sunbury, the Ohio Chapter came together for the Fourth Annual outing to support legislative efforts in Ohio while enjoying a beautiful day. IEA National presentation to NE Chapter 2024 New England Radon Conference The New England Chapter of AARST/IEA held its annual radon education conference on June 13th and 14th at the Spruce Radon Training Center in Ward Hill, Massachusetts. State and regional radon and indoor environments updates were provided by: Amanda Parkins, Connecticut; Jon Dyer, Maine; Stefanie Santora, Massachusetts; Lea Anne Atwell, New Hampshire; Michelle Thompson, Vermont; and Dan Burke from US EPA Region 1. Chapter President Ed Beauregard announced the results of the 2024 election, welcoming new President Michael Christophides and Vice President Matt Hendrick, and welcoming back Secretary Dave Hill, Treasurer Jordan Clark, and Directors Shawn Price, Christopher Gordon, and Josh Clark. Ed will also serve as a Director. Ed Beauregard was presented an award for his long service as a member and officer of the New England Chapter. Dave Hill presented an award to esteemed member, Pat Everett, for “surviving many years of the radon gauntlet.” Thursday afternoon was devoted to two CE courses: “The Psychology of Sales: An Ethical Approach to Selling,” taught by Dan Raucci and “Advanced Diagnostics,” taught by Matt Hendrick. On Friday, Matt Hendrick presented an 8-hour course, “Soil Gas Mitigation Compliance Inspector.” (l) Chapter Secretary Dave Hill presented an award to esteemed member, Pat Everett. (r) Incoming Chapter President Mike Christophides presented an award to Ed Beauregard.