IEA Sept. 2024 Radon Reporter

16 | September 2024 PROFICIENCY NRPP Update: All NRPP Exams Are Now Delivered by Certiverse NRPP partnered with Certiverse in the fall of 2023 to securely proctor the radon measurement exams remotely and has recently transferred all remaining exams over to the Certiverse platform. As of May 20, all radon measurement exams (RMP and RMFT), all radon mitigation exams (RMI and RMS) and the Compliance Inspector exam are proctored by Certiverse. The requirements and rules for taking a remotely proctored exam with Certiverse are the same as those of the previous delivery provider, however the test-taker experience is different. Highlights include the following: • Proctoring is no longer done through Zoom. To take an exam with Certiverse, test-takers must install a secure browser that “locks down” their computer to prevent them from accessing the internet, email, or other applications during the exam. This provides a level of exam security that goes beyond the previous proctoring method. • Verbal interaction with the proctor is no longer required. Feedback from the 2023 candidate survey indicated dissatisfaction with the previous proctors’ oral communication with the test-taker. Now, all communication with proctors is done through a chat feature on the Certiverse platform. • Another concern identified through NRPP’s 2023 candidate survey was the inability to take a test in an open-concept location and required the examinee to take the exam in a room with one door. With Certiverse, tests can now be taken in “open-concept” living spaces and no longer have to be taken in a room with only one door. Results from NRPP’s 2023 candidate survey indicate that only 10% of test-takers had difficulty understanding the communications with the proctors at Certiverse in comparison with 90% of those who tested through the previous provider, and they experienced a greater level of customer support and more responsive and more professional proctors. The rules for taking a remotely-proctored exam have not changed and are designed to ensure the security of the exam content while providing a testing experience that is as secure as brick-and-mortar in-person test centers. A working webcam and microphone are required to take a remotely-proctored exam, and examinees must take the test in a quiet, well-lit location where they will remain uninterrupted. During the onboarding process (before entering the exam), proctors ensure a secure testing environment. Examinees are expected to: • Verify their identity by showing the proctor a valid identification • Remove all notes or other materials from the testing area and demonstrate compliance by showing the proctor, through the webcam, the testing surface and the area around, behind, and under the testing surface. • Place cell phone and all other electronic equipment out of reach Once the environment has been approved, examinees are required to agree to the NRPP Exam Agreement and are then provided access to the exam. While taking the exam, examinees may not read the questions out loud and may not move their faces out of view of the webcam. Proctors will monitor examinees for suspicious test-taking behavior and will interrupt the exam to warn examinees and correct behaviors when they are not compliant with the testing rules. Proctors are at liberty to terminate exam sessions when the testing rules are broken, when cheating is suspected, when examinees use profanity or are aggressive toward the proctor, or when behavior is not corrected after sufficient notice. Examinees may not use scrap paper or notes during the exam; all questions that require calculations include an e-calculator and formula sheet. Additionally, the ANSI/AARST Standards are available for use throughout the duration of the exam. After the exam has been completed and submitted, examinees are notified instantly that they either passed or failed. Official results and score reports are sent to examinees within 3 days of the exam, after NRPP has reviewed the exam session and released it. Instructions for scheduling an exam through Certiverse, instructions and technology requirements for taking a remotely-proctored exam, and testing rules are emailed to examinees upon registration. Examinees may contact Certiverse through the chat support feature on the Certiverse website at any time. Certiverse support will assist examinees with scheduling an exam, downloading and installing the secure browser, and accessing the exam on testing day. For more information on NRPP’s measurement and mitigation exams, please visit