IEA Sept. 2024 Radon Reporter

__________________________________________________________________________________ Page | 2 Section 2 (Before Testing)- Improvements for clarity in introductory 2 (Preparing for the Measurement) included harmonizing the title (Before You Test), as used in ANSI/AARST MAH (measurement in homes). Improved editorial clarity and correctness was sought for each provision. Differences between residential and commercial spaces were integrated. For instance, as applicable to MALB but not MAMF, requirements "where not occupied both day and night" were included. This type of integration allowed expansion of scope to "Mixed-Use Buildings”. Relative to test devices, the use of radon decay product measurement devices is relegated to the applicable ANSI/AARST MAH standard and not repeated in Section 8. Quality control for test devices was moved to Section 2 (previously in Section 5). Requirements relative to keeping records of each dwelling/unit were enhanced. Required communication with property owners/managers were enhanced and emphasized. Section 3 (Test Locations)- Ground-contact and upper-floor test locations were integrated for both residential and commercial spaces. New: For school and commercial spaces, the testing requirement is limited to locations that are occupied or intended to be occupied. Section 4 (Test Conditions)- Test conditions that include closed-building protocol were moved to Section 4. For all measurement standards, this is more closely related to preparation prior to testing and applicable to most all test procedures. Section 5 (Test Procedures and Options)- The editorial renditions are drawn more from MAMF than the older MALB. However, the recommended "evaluations of occupied versus unoccupied locations" from MALB are integrated. Post-mitigation test protocols were moved to Section 7.3. Section 6 (Conducting the Test)- The revision now further elaborates on details specifically related to actions at the project location. Topics previously only addressed in MALB (Section 2) for complicated HVAC issues are integrated here. Section 7 (Actions Based on Test Results)- Section 7.2 adds the requirement that where two test results at different times disagree on whether concentrations are below or above the action level, the higher test result shall be regarded as correct, unless further testing indicates otherwise. Section 8 (Test Reports)- "Documentation, Protocols and Guidance" is now harmonized into Section 8. Clarity on summary report content was harmonized with MAMF, to provide simpler uniform reports, while still addressing complications and nuances. Initial tests that did not include testing 100% of ground-contact dwellings or units does not comply with this standard. Further testing to comply with this standard is therefore required, as previously required in MAMF Section f. Section 8.4 (Summary Report Attachments) includes additional elaborations and requirements for summary report attachments include reporting building operating conditions for comparing annual average and during the test. This reporting seeks to address concerns relative to concerns previously addressed in MAMF Section b and c. Technical Bulletin, MA-MFLB March 2024