IEA Sept. 2024 Radon Reporter

20 | September 2024 __________________________________________________________________________________ Page | 3 Hourly data from continuous radon monitors is now required to be provided in reports or provided to the client upon request. Records of client communications and details for disclosures to State or Federal authorities are also provided. Normative Appendices- Normative Appendices were created for providing guidance and requirements for (a) Reporting Building Operating Procedures, (b) Evaluation of Occupied Versus Unoccupied Concentrations, (c) Elevated Radon in Upper Floors, and (d) National Certification/Listing Programs. 2023 Revisions Due to the MAMF and MALB renditions published as 1/21 revisions being virtually identical, few edits required review prior to consolidation into a single standard. MA-MFLB 2023, includes the complete harmonization of ANSI/AARST radon measurement standards and editorial rendering more compliant with needs for compliance assessment. Revisions were made to Section 2.4 and Normative Appendix D regarding Qualified Professionals and private proficiency programs. Clarity was provided to Section 3.4 regarding large rooms requiring multiple devices. Where closed-building conditions did not occur prior to the test, option 6.1.2 b, which allowed prolonging the test to achieve a valid test, was modified from a period of a minimum of 4 days to a period of not less than 72 hours. Section 6.2 (Quality Control for Number of Valid Tests) was modified, both for clarification and relaxation of previous requirements. A flowchart was added on the following page to provide additional clarity on intended calculations. Section 8.2.3 (Reliability of the Measurements) was clarified with more detail on reportable conditions that can impact reliability of test results. Section 8.2.6 includes added language applicable to plans for operation, maintenance and monitoring (OM&M) to be provided where mitigation is installed or found in buildings addressed by this standard. Summary Conscientious attention to ensure that radon measurement standards reflect the most current methods is imperative in maintaining quality, relevant editions of these standards. This bulletin serves as a ready reference to the most recent updates. Future Revisions Future revisions to this standard shall be facilitated per the AARST Consortium “Committee for Radon Measurement Standards” normal process, which includes public review. Any such revisions shall be followed by a technical bulletin to address changes. Technical Bulletin, MA-MFLB March 2024