IEA Sept. 2024 Radon Reporter

22 | September 2024 __________________________________________________________________________________ Page | 2 areas, a variety of related needs were addressed. Similarly, the need for quality control for work conducted and long-term risk management were also addressed. Work on SGM-SF, RMS-MF and RMS-LB was conducted by different committees (consensus bodies), somewhat simultaneously, where each benefitted from work done on the other. Work began in 2019, with two complicated goals: (1) Harmonize content across the three mitigation standards, and (2) augment sentences to better comply with needs now required when standards are used for compliance assessment. The primary differences resulted in messages and requirements specific to residential versus commercial building needs. Both RMS-MF and RMS-LB standards were updated in 2018, and were the base documents used in the 2023 update and consolidation. 2023 Revisions SGM-SF 2023 includes the complete harmonization of ANSI/AARST mitigation standards and editorial rendering more compliant with needs for compliance assessment. The focus included Sections 1 through 5 and 9 through 12. Most informational content was relocated to the Companion Guidance. Text relative to doing work on systems installed prior 2023, including when replacing fans, now required noncompliant exhausts and any non-compliant fan location be fixed. Quality control of design and installation practices has been elaborated on to require records of inspections prior to design and after installation along with quality control oversight at the jobsite. Section 5 (System Design) now provides clearer qualities and details on initial inspections of jobsites. Diagnostics (e.g. PFE analysis) is required prior to all installations, except for radon mitigation in single family dwellings. The conditions of the building operating condition and seasonal conditions are to be documented for any diagnostic or performance check. Section 7 (ASD System Installation) specifications for membrane materials placed over open soil for radon systems were relaxed to that required by EPA-RMS (i.e. 6 mil poly-membrane). Section 9 (Post-mitigation Evaluation) now requires at least one PFE performance check measurement upon completion of installations. Additional post-mitigation evaluations for Vapor Intrusion systems were clarified. Section 10 (Documentation) focuses on owner/occupied documentation with reference to times when a full OM&M manual is required. These situations include non-ASD designs and where maintenance of systems is to be performed by someone other than the owner/occupant. Section 11 (Health and Safety) was completely rewritten, with focus on a safety management plan that includes safety training. Section 12 (Non-ASD Systems and Methods) references SGM-MFLB (Soil Gas Mitigation Standards for Existing Multifamily, School, Commercial and Mixed-Use Buildings) for details. Technical Bulletin, SGM-SF and SGM-MFLB March 2024