IEA Sept. 2024 Radon Reporter

THE RADON REPORTER | 23 __________________________________________________________________________________ Page | 3 The harmonization project from 2019 to 2023, included content in ANSI/AARST SGM-SF, RMS-MF and RMS-LB. The result revealed two things: (1) Most of the harmonized content was applicable for ANSI/AARST SGM-SF, and (2) Most of the content specific to RMS-MF (multifamily mitigation) was the same for RMS-LB (Schools and Large Buildings). As such, content in SGM-SF is referenced, rather than repeated in SGM-MFLB. Elaborations retained within SGM-MFLB include pertinent differences in Section 5 (System Design) and Section 8 (All Systems and Methods) relative to collateral mitigation of multiple dwelling or units in a shared building). Pertinent differences in Section 9 (Post-mitigation evaluations) are provided. Section 10 (Documentation) focuses more on operation, maintenance and monitoring (OM&M) manuals relative to situations where maintenance of systems is to be done by someone other than an owner/occupant. Section 12 (Non-ASD Systems and Methods) fully elaborates on Non-ASD system requirements that are more often associated with larger buildings, as an alternative or supplement to ASD mitigation methods. Summary Conscientious attention to ensure that mitigation standards reflect the most current methods is imperative in maintaining quality, relevant editions of these standards. This bulletin serves as a ready reference to the most recent updates. Future Revisions Future revisions to this standard shall be facilitated per the AARST Consortium “Committee for Radon and Soil Gas Mitigation Standards” normal process, which includes public review. Any such revisions shall be followed by a technical bulletin to address changes. Technical Bulletin, SGM-SF and SGM-MFLB March 2024