IEA Sept. 2024 Radon Reporter

38 | September 2024 MEMBER SPOTLIGHT Member Spotlight Name: Zan Jones Location (city & state): Lombard, Illinois (that’s where Radonova is – but I’m in Fort Worth, Texas) Title, Company: Vice President, Sales and Marketing for Radonova IEA: How long have you been working in radon?: 2 years IEA: Describe your professional experience and what attracted you to this work (your ah-hah moment) My professional experience “BR” (before radon) was in the construction and medical industries. I also owned my own business for 14 years. I was attracted to radon mainly out of curiosity because I’d never heard of it prior to my interview with Radonova. Now I tell everyone about it! IEA: What do you like about working in the radon profession?: First, the people - and then knowing I’m working in a profession that is saving lives. IEA: What benefits does membership to Indoor Environments bring you? Being relatively new to radon, IEA has helped me understand the industry – both the science and the business aspects of it. I’ve met incredibly gracious professionals who are generous with sharing their knowledge and experience. IEA: Any advice for people who are considering becoming a member: First, join. Second, get involved in a local chapter where you can network with fellow professionals and learn more about the industry and legislation opportunities. 3. If You Invest in Google Ads, Ensure the Strategy is Strong You’ve probably heard (or said), “I tried Google Ads, and it didn’t work.” Yes, a contractor can spend a bunch of money and get little to no results. Success is possible, with the right approach. The top 3 reports to evaluate to see if Google Ads was set up correctly are: • Insights & Reports > Search Terms: see if the clicks that you purchased are accurate to your audience. If not, you’re buying irrelevant keywords! Avoid targeting “radon” or “radon gas” keywords, as they are likely not looking for your services, but are doing research on the topic. • Campaigns > Ads: check your click-through rate, which is the number of people who see an ad compared to those who click on an ad. You want this to be at least 7% or higher. • Audiences, keywords, and content > Location: Ensure you are targeting the correct geographic area. Targeting clicks closer to home will result in less drive time. Pro Tip: Set up a report to email you weekly with these results so you can keep a close eye on your results. Author’s Comments As a Google Partner, my goal for this article is to provide practical, actionable tips that you can apply to your business today. I’d suggest starting with one strategy and working through it one step at a time. (continued from page 37) 3 Easy Ways to Get More Jobs Online