
18 | July 2022 GOVERNMENTAFFAIRS School Radon Testing Policy SEVENTEEN STATES HAVE RADON-RELATED POLICIES FOR SCHOOLS Requirement CO CT DC FL IL IN IA ME MN NE NJ NY OR RI VT VA WV Test for Radon X X* X X ~ ~ X ~ ~ X X X X # Funding if Available X X Per a Standard X X X X Results Are Public X X X ~ X X X X X X Report to State X X X X X X X X Mitigate > 4 pCi/L X ~ X X X Funding if Available X X RRNC - New Schoo l X 1,2 ~ X X X 1 ~ 1 1,2 X required * post-2003 only ~ recommended 1 or 1,2 radon zone(s) # state performs test Model Legislation: Radon Testing in School Buildings (1) Testing for Radon . Every school building shall be tested in accordance with this section. (2) Frequency of Testing. a. The initial measurement of a building’s radon levels shall occur within one year of enactment. b. Follow-up testing of a building with all radon levels below 4 pCi/L shall occur every five years. c. Follow-up testing of a building with a radon level equal to or exceeding 4 pCi/L shall occur every two years. (3) Standard for Testing . Measurement shall be performed in accordance with ANSI-AARST MALB: Protocol for Conducting Measurement of Radon and Radon Decay Products in Schools and Large Buildings. 1 (4) Testing Device . Measurement shall be performed using a device that has been approved by an EPA-recognized certification program, such as a continuous radon monitor that has been calibrated and passed a device performance test, or a test kit that will be submitted for analysis to a laboratory approved by an EPA-recognized certification program. (5) Qualified Personnel . Measurement shall be performed by an individual who is currently licensed under the state radon licensing program and/or currently certified by the National Radon Proficiency Program. 2 Mitigation Requirement . If radon measurement results for any room or area indicate that the radon level equals or exceeds 4.0 picocuries per liter of air (pCi/L), the building shall be mitigated in accordance with ANSI-AARST RMS- LB: Radon Mitigation Standards for Schools and Large Buildings, and retested in accordance with ANSI-AARST MALB: Protocol for Conducting Measurement of Radon and Radon Decay Products in Schools and Large Buildings until the radon levels are less than 4.0 pCi/L. 3 Mitigation shall be performed by an individual who is currently licensed under the state radon licensing program and/or currently certified by the National Radon Proficiency Program. 4 Operation, maintenance, and monitoring shall comply with Section 10.1.1 of ANSI-AARST RMS-LB: Radon Mitigation Standards for Schools and Large Buildings. (6) Reporting . Results of radon testing, mitigation plans, and mitigation results shall be reported within 30 days after they have been received as follows: a. presentation at a public meeting of the school board; b. communication to the parents’ organization; c. communication to the teachers’ union or other staff organizations; d. website and other social media posting by both the school board and individual school, and report submitted to the state radon program and state board of education. 1 or in accordance with a “national consensus standard recommended by the US Environmental Protection Agency” 2 or currently certified by “an EPA-recognized certification program.” 3 or in accordance with a “national consensus standard recommended by the US Environmental Protection Agency" 4 or currently certified by “an EPA-recognized certification program.”