
THE RADON REPORTER | 19 GOVERNMENTAFFAIRS Childcare Facility Testing Policy ELEVEN STATES REQUIRE TESTING CHILDCARE FACILITIES FOR RADON Requirement CO CT DE FL IL IA MI NH NJ NY RI Test for Radon Center-Based X X X Z X X Z X Z X Home-Based X Z X X Z Z X Per a Standard X X X X X X X By a Radon Professional X X X X Z X X Report to Families X X X X X Mitigate > 4 pCi/L G X X G/Z G X X Z X Z X X Required Z Required in high-risk zones only G Mitigation required per a general health/safety rule Model Legislation: Childcare Facilities (1) Testing for Radon . Every childcare facility shall be tested in accordance with this section. (2) Frequency of Testing. a. The initial measurement of a building’s radon levels shall occur within one year of enactment. b. Follow-up testing of a building with all radon levels below 4 pCi/L shall occur every five years or sixty days after the HVAC system has been altered or structural changes have occurred. This shall not supersede another state policy that is more protective. c. Follow-up testing of a building with a radon level equal to or exceeding 4 pCi/L shall occur every two years. (3) Standard for Testing . Measurement shall be performed in accordance with a. In a center-based childcare facility, ANSI-AARST MALB: Protocol for Conducting Measurement of Radon and Radon Decay Products in Schools and Large Buildings . 1 b. In a home-based childcare facility, ANSI-AARST MAH: Protocol for Conducting Measurement of Radon and Radon Decay Products in Homes. (4) Testing Device . Measurement shall be performed using a device that has been approved by an EPA-recognized certification program, such as a continuous radon monitor that has been calibrated and passed a device performance test, or a test kit that will be submitted for analysis to a laboratory approved by an EPA-recognized certification program. (5) Qualified Personnel . Measurement shall be performed by an individual who is currently licensed under the state radon licensing program or certified by an EPA-approved proficiency program. 1 (6) Mitigation Requirement . If radon measurement results for any room or area indicate that the radon level equals or exceeds 4.0 picocuries per liter of air (pCi/L), the building shall be mitigated: a. If a center-based childcare facility, in accordance with ANSI-AARST RMS-LB: Radon Mitigation Standards for Schools and Large Buildings, and then retested in accordance with ANSI-AARST MALB: Protocol for Conducting Measurement of Radon and Radon Decay Products in Schools and Large Buildings until the radon levels are less than 4.0 pCi/L. Operation, maintenance and monitoring shall comply with Section 10.1.1 of ANSI-AARST RMS-LB: Radon Mitigation Standards for Schools and Large Buildings . b. If a home-based childcare facility, in accordance with ANSI-AARST SGM-SF Soil Gas Mitigation Standards for Existing Homes, and then retested in accordance with ANSI-AARST MAH: Protocol for Conducting Measurement of Radon and Radon Decay Products until the radon levels are less than 4.0 pCi/L. Operation, maintenance and monitoring shall comply with Section 10 of ANSI-AARST SGM-SF Soil Gas Mitigation Standards for Existing Homes . (7) Qualified Personnel . Mitigation shall be performed by an individual who is currently licensed under the state radon licensing program or certified by an EPA-approved proficiency program. (8) Reporting . Results of radon testing, mitigation plans, and mitigation results shall be reported within 30 days after they have been received through: individual written notification to parents; individual written notification to staff; posting in a prominent physical accessible location within the facility; website and/or social media posting (post-mitigation test results only); and report submitted to the state radon program and state childcare licensing agency. 1 Alternative reference to the “ANSI AARST” standard: “a national consensus standard recommended by the US Environmental Protection Agency.” 2 Alternative reference to the “National Radon Proficiency Program:” “an EPA-recognized certification program.”