
THE RADON REPORTER | 5 NRPP NEWS The NRPP took its first steps toward ANSI-ISO 17024 accreditation in 2018. With the assistance of consultants and volunteers, a new certification scheme, job task analysis, exam content development (aligned with the relevant ANSI- AARST consensus standards), and standards-setting for exams were completed. The ISO 17024 application was submitted to the ANSI National Accreditation Board (ANAB) in November 2021. The NRPP staff participated in an intensive two-day virtual site visit with ANAB assessors and received feedback on a handful of nonconformities in April 2022. While ANAB allows certification bodies up to six months to implement corrective actions, NRPP conducted corrective actions to successfully close all citations in just five weeks. The ISO/IEC 17024 standard specifies requirements that ensure organizations operating certification programs for professionals operate in a fair, impartial, consistent, and reliable manner. This accreditation contains rigorous requirements for examination development, maintenance, and quality management systems. The International Standard ISO/IEC 17024 was developed to fill the need for public protection by establishing how individuals have the required competencies to perform their work. ANAB accreditation is recognized worldwide as a critical requirement for personnel certification bodies that offer certification in many industries, including public health, environment, and national security services. NRPP is a program of the American Association of Radon Scientists and Technologists, Inc. (AARST). Recognized and demanded by federal agencies and state radon regulations, NRPP credentials indicate to building owners and service providers the mastery of the specific skills required to successfully complete radon testing and mitigation projects. The program’s credentialing policies and procedures are governed by the NRPP Certification Council, which consists of industry stakeholders such as analytic laboratories, device manufacturers, state radon programs, training providers, and radon professionals. In 2019, NRPP began developing new schemes for radon certifications. Initially this involved convening stakeholders to determine the need for multiple certifications and completing job task analyses, including domains, subdomains, and knowledge, skills, and abilities statements, for each certification scheme. A determination was made that NRPP should expand from one measurement credential and one mitigation credential to a two-tiered approach for each field. Surveys of professionals regarding the relative importance of domains and subdomains informed the development of new exam blueprints and exam questions. Psychometrician consultants facilitated the process of converting these important concepts into properly developed, fair and impartial exams, which were beta-tested and analyzed. The NRPP certifications accredited by the ANSI National Accreditation Board (ANAB) include: Measurement Certifications Radon Measurement Field Technician The NRPP Radon Measurement Field Technician (RMFT) certification is geared toward a measurement technician who deploys and retrieves approved measurement devices, implements device placement, and insures buildingconditions for residential testingandassessment. A Certified RMFT must work under the direction and QA/ QC oversight of a Certified Measurement Professional. Radon Measurement Professional The NRPP Radon Measurement Professional (RMP) certification is designed to assess the knowledge and skills necessary for the evaluation of residential radon measurement results, including but not limited to client report generation, development and execution of QA/ QC plans and worker exposure surveillance. A Certified RMP may function as the key person for analytical labs and oversight of work conducted by Radon Measurement Field Technicians. Mitigation Certifications Radon Mitigation Installer The NRPP Radon Mitigation Installer (RMI) certification is geared toward individuals who install soil depressurization systems in residences and implement measures to protect themselves, co-workers, and occupants fromhazards related to themitigation process. A Certified RMI must work under supervision provided by a Certified Radon Mitigation Specialist. Radon Mitigation Specialist The NRPP Radon Mitigation Specialist (RMS) certification is designed to assess the knowledge and skills necessary for the design and ultimate compliance of residential radon reduction systems, and for the implementation of worker safety/ surveillance programs. A Certified RMS may provide supervision and oversight of work conducted by Radon Mitigation Installers. Current NRPP Certifications