
October 24-25 The core sessions and exhibits are planned for Monday and Tuesday. All attendees are eligible to earn up to 12 Category-I C.E. credits by taking daily quizzes and up to 8 Category-II C.E. credits for attending the two days of the Symposium. Social activities are essential to making connections, and this year is no exception. Breaks, lunches, and a Monday evening happy hour are included in the registration price. Abstracts cover four tracks of information planned for the full agenda. Additionally, mitigation tips, stories, and experiences will be presented throughout the sessions. Monday features a shared agenda developed by AARST and the E25 Radon Committee of the Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors, which will include the latest announcements on radon and vapor intrusion (VI) policy achievements and updates, and presentations on the ANSI-AARST Standards, as well as NRPP Certifications. Tuesday’s agenda will feature concurrent sessions in (1) Science and Research and (2) Practice and Policy. The exhibit hall will close Tuesday at 5 p.m. October 26 Wednesday morning will bring additional learning and networking opportunities for attendees. Wednesday features six concurrent unique workshops. From 9:00-11:00 a.m., these are free and included in the full registration ticket. Attendees planning to stay through Wednesday must pre-register for the workshop of their choice to participate. Note: The CRCPD (Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors, Inc.) National Radon Training Event runs independently and concurrently with the AARST program, (Monday AARST and CRCPD share a combined agenda) AARST attendees are invited to attend any of these sessions. Vapor Intrusion The vapor intrusion track presentations continue to grow into their second year. Indicators of this growth include the fact that several presentations offered in the VI Track were submitted during the Call for Abstracts process from the VI community and the exhibit hall continues to attract VI companies. The VI subcommittee of the planning committee also identified invited sessions, which will be offered during the separate VI track that begins after the morning break on Monday. Pacific Northwest Partners The Planning Committee has been thrilled to include the Northwest Radon Coalition in the planning and agenda. The Northwest Coalition began in 2005 as a predominantly Oregon-based group of organizations. Its early work focused on passing Oregon Senate Bill 1025, the Northwest Radon Forum hosted by Cascade Radon, continuing to promote radon awareness, and adding members and outreach efforts. Today the Northwest Radon Coalition consists of thirty- two members representing EPA Region 10, mitigation and testing companies, state health and housing agencies, real estate professionals, home inspectors, weatherization companies, manufacturers, Tribal Air Quality Programs, American Lung Association, Portland State University, and AARST. The Coalition generally meets in September to discuss collaboration opportunities and again in April to share experiences, successes, challenges, and continued opportunities to focus on for the rest of the year. Its main project is conducting a Radon Forum each January. Throughout the year, the Coalition is a resource for staffing local health fairs, co-presenting at health conferences or neighborhood association meetings, and conducting interviews for podcasts or other opportunities. Most recently, the Coalition collaborated with the Oregon State University Public Health Department on a student learning project to mentor undergraduate students who learned about radon and created awareness toolkits for diverse communities. The Coalition supports an advocacy subcommittee currently working on an Oregon bill to help protect homebuyers and their families, school children, tenants, and occupants of new homes through mandatory radon testing. Continued on page 9 October 24 - 26