Radon Reporter March 2022

2 | Mach 2022 AARST TM , the American Association of Radon Scientists and Technologists, is a nonprofit, professional organization dedicated to the highest standard of excellence and ethical performance of radon measurement, mitigation, and transfer of information for the benefit of members, consumers, and the public at large. AARST’s leadership is democratically elected by the members. AARST represents your voice as we meet the wide range of challenges facing radon professionals and the community. Your membership and participation provide you a voice in the changes to come, and allow you to gain updated information, discover new techniques, learn about new problems before they occur, and hone your professional skills. OFFICERS PRESIDENT: Kyle Hoylman keh@protectenv.com VICE PRESIDENT: Tony McDonald tony@vaporremoval.com VICE PRESIDENT: Dave Hill dhill@spruce.com SECRETARY: Jan Fisher jfisher@radonsupplies.com TREASURER: Dan Potter danpotter@dupageradon.com NATIONALLY ELECTED DIRECTORS Laura Armul /Lauraarmul@sunradon.com Jim Emanuels / peoriaradon@gmail.com Aaron Fisher / afisher@swatradon.com David Gillay / david.gillay@btlaw.com Dawn Goard / dawn@aceradon.com Dave Kapturowski / dave@spruce.com Eric Lewandowski / ericl@proradon.com John Mallon / john@radondetectionandcontrol.com Dawn Oggier / doggier@spruce.com Stephen Tucker / steve@cascaderadon.com CHAPTER COUNCIL ELECTED DIRECTORS Nate Burden / nateburden@msn.com George Schambach / george@professionalhome.com STAFF Executive Director Dallas Jones / director@aarst.org National Policy Director Jane Malone / nationalpolicy@aarst.org Finance Director Andika Susanti / administrator@aarst.org Symposium Manager and AARST Member Services Nicole Chazaud / symposium@aarst.org Publishing/Media Manager and Chapter/Membership Liaison: Amy Morris / media@aarst.org Quality Assurance Program Manager Rebecca Turek / qamanager@aarst.org NRPP Credentialing Manager Christina Johnson / certification@nrpp.info NRPP Operations and Exams Manager Marilyn Patrick / exams@nrpp.info NRPP Compliance compliance@nrpp.info GRAPHIC DESIGN Astrid Lyons, Dos Diablos Design www.dosdiablosdesign.com TABLE of CONTENTS AD INDEX Copyright © 2022 American Association of Radon Scientists & Technologists. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part of any text, photograph, or graphic without written permission from the publisher is strictly prohibited. Please submit content, comments, or questions t o editor@aarst.org . 4 Radon Report Card 6 National Radon Action Plan 8 Inflationary Times Robin Royals 13 VI Transactional Considerations David Gillay 16 Where is the Radon Coming From Bill Brodhead 20 2022 Annual Symposium Nicole Chazaud 23 Monitoring Indoor Air Quality Peter Foller 5 AccuStar and Air Chek Laboratories 6 ARPC 12 CERTI TM 23 Ecosense 15 National Radon Defense 19 Professional Discount Supply 10, 11 RadonAway 15 Radon Supplies 19 Spruce Radon Training All photos of Bellevue courtesy of visitbellevuewa.com .