Radon Reporter March 2022

ADVOCACY National Radon Action Plan The 2021-2025 National Radon Action Plan (NRAP), which is the second such plan, was developed by the NRAP Leadership Council and released on January 31. NRAP has brought together leaders from AARST, American Lung Association, CanSAR, CDC, CR3, Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors, Environmental Law Institute, EPA, HUD, and the National Center for Healthy Housing to plan, guide, and sustain nationwide radon action in the effort to protect all building occupants from radon. With the costs of radon so great, the benefits of investment so clear, and the technical solutions to improve health so straightforward and available—it has never been more important to continue to drive action. The 2021-2025 plan lays out four goal areas - Build In Risk Reduction, Support Radon Risk Reduction, Build Capacity to Test and Mitigate Using Professional Radon Services, and Increase Awareness of Radon Risk and Control Strategies. Within each goal area, there are specific, actionable ideas. The final page of the plan provides a table (see page 7) Strategies for Expanding Protections for All Buildings that lists these strategies and desired outcomes. The key steps to reduce radon-induced deaths from lung cancer are to increase public awareness of the threat, test all types of buildings for elevated radon levels, build a workforce of credentialed radon professionals who can fix radon problems following proven-effective standards, and ensure the availability of adequate funding to pay for testing and repairs. “ “ Excerpt from The National Radon Action Plan 2021-2025