THE RADON REPORTER | 21 PROFICIENCY News from NRPP Certification Council The mission of the Certification Council is to determine certification requirements for obtaining and maintaining certification by the NRPP. This includes assuring that said requirements are attainable and protective of consumer and state radon programs that recognize NRPP certified entities. This further establishes criteria for contributory elements for certification such as requisite curriculum, experience, and examinations. The new chair of the Certification Council is Ashley Falco. She was elected by the Certification Council December 16, after the concurrence of the AARST Executive Committee, to replace Chris Bonniwell, who resigned in November. The Certification Council consists of stakeholders representing a cross-section of industry segments. The current members are: Position Representative Term Ends Radon Mitigation - Residential Bill Brodhead 11/1/23 Radon Chambers Bruce Snead 11/1/23 Consumer Interests Angela Tin 11/1/23 Radon Measurement - Residential David Metzge 11/1/23 Non-certified States Justin Otto 11/1/23 Home Inspectors Jonathan Russell 11/1/23 Radon Measurement - Large Buildings (vacant) 11/1/23 Radon Mitigation - Large Buildings Dawn Goard 11/1/23 Radon Equipment Manufacturers Matt Hendrick 11/1/24 Certified States Mark Ungerer 11/1/24 Radon Laboratories Owen Reese 11/1/24 Radon Educators Dan West 11/1/24 Vapor Intrusion Chris Lutes 11/1/24 AARST Technical and Science Committee Jill Newton 11/1/25 Chairperson Ashley Falco 11/1/25 Opportunity to Serve: Certification Council Seats Open for New Members The following seats will become vacant in November 2023 because the incumbents will have served for three full terms: Radon Mitigation - Residential; Radon Chambers; Consumer Interests; Radon Measurement - Residential; Non- certified States; Home Inspectors. Applications, consisting of a cover note describing interest and a resume, must be submitted to certification@nrpp.info and are due August 31, 2023. Changes in NRPP Certification NRPP Certification Council has determined it necessary to implement a mandatory ANSI-AARST Standards Overview CE requirement in 2023 for all renewing NRPP-Certified Measurement Professionals, Mitigation Specialists, Measurement Field Technicians and Mitigation Installers. The courses will be four CE hours each and will count toward the total CE required for renewal. This new requirement applies to certification renewals beginning July 1, 2023. An individual who is certified in both measurement and mitigation will need to complete both courses to renew both certifications. Completion of such overview courses will be required for all future renewals. The NRPP Certification Council has also revised the minimumCE requirement, from 16 hours to 12 hours, for individuals certified as measurement professionals or mitigation specialists, to provide parity with the 24-hour CE requirement for individuals certified for both measurement and mitigation, effective January 1, 2023.
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