AARST accomplishes so much by the power of volunteers and committee work. Association tasks are undertaken every year for the growth of the industry and association, from strategic planning to advocacy and legislative foundation work, to running the largest education event attracting hundreds of attendees annually. The Chairs manage committees in size from groups of four to twelve individuals (not including ad hoc work groups), all bringing industry-wide voices to the table.
Advocacy Committee
Jan Fisher, Chair

The Advocacy Committee shall consist of one AARST member appointed by the President who shall chair the Committee and other AARST members who are selected by the Chair and approved by the Executive Committee.
The Committee shall be responsible for developing and implementing effective advocacy efforts including an annual National Radon Action Month campaign.
Audit Committee
George Schambach, Chair

There shall be an Annual Audit Committee consisting of one Director appointed by the President who shall chair the Committee, one person selected by the chapter Council, and one AARST member who is selected by the Chair and approved by the Executive Committee.
The Annual Audit Committee duties shall be to review AARST fiscal and administrative policies and procedures, annually review compensation packages for AARST management employees and review comparisons to similar organizations/positions to ensure reasonableness per IRS review guidelines as provided by the Executive Committee; to select an external auditor and provide oversight of its review or audit of AARST financial statements; and to formulate recommendations to the Board for standard operating procedures or other changes necessary to improve and fulfill the fiduciary responsibilities of the Association and to ensure compliance with IRS and state tax laws.
Bylaws Committee
Dawn Oggier

The Bylaws Committee shall consist of one Director appointed by the President who shall chair the Committee, one other Director and one AARST member who are selected by the Chair and approved by the Executive Committee.
The Committee shall be responsible for reviewing the Bylaws at least annually and recommending changes to the Board.
Government Affairs Committee
Aaron Fisher, Chair
The Government Affairs Committee shall consist of one AARST member appointed by the President who shall chair the Committee and other AARST members who are selected by the Chair and approved by the Executive Committee.
The Committee shall be responsible for advising staff in implementing an effective government affairs program.
Membership Committee
Duane West, Chair

The Membership Committee shall consist of one AARST member appointed by the President who shall Chair the Committee and other AARST members who are selected by the Chair and approved by the Executive Committee.
The Committee shall be responsible for assisting staff with membership development, planning for increasing membership, and communications made in the name of the Association.
Nominating Committee
David Gillay, Chair

There shall be a Nominating Committee consisting of the more recently elected Vice President who shall Chair the Committee, two representatives selected by the Chapter Council and two AARST members appointed by the Board. The Nominating Committee shall nominate Officers and Directors from all members in good standing.
The Nominating Committee shall nominate at least one member for each vacant office and may nominate persons for Honorary membership in the Association. The Nominating Committee shall make nominations in accordance with the requirements of sections 4.02 and 4.03. All nominations shall be in writing and shall be delivered to the Secretary no later than thirty-five (35) days prior to the Annual Meeting.
Professional Ethics Committee
Jan Fisher, Chair

The Professional Ethics Committee shall consist of one Director appointed by the President who shall Chair the Committee, one other Director and one AARST member who are selected by the Chair and approved by the Executive Committee.
The Committee shall investigate and prosecute matters of conduct of Association and committee members.
Strategic Planning Committee
George Schambach, Chair

The Strategic Planning Committee shall consist of the President; the less recently elected vice president, who shall serve as Chair, a representative selected by the Chapter Council, a representative selected by the Certification Council, and a representative selected by the Executive Stakeholder Committee for the AARST Consortium; and two Directors selected by the Chair and approved by the Executive Committee.
The Committee shall assist the Executive Director in the development of the long-term plan of the organization for Board approval. The Strategic Planning Committee shall report to the Executive Committee.
Symposium Committee
Dawn Coffee, Co-Chair

Symposium Committee
Duane West, Co-Chair

The Symposium Committee shall consist of one AARST member appointed by the President who shall Chair the Committee and other AARST members who are selected by the Chair and approved by the Executive Committee.
The Committee shall be responsible for assisting staff in programming, planning, and organizing volunteer coverage for the annual International Symposium/Meeting.
Technical and Science Committee
Dave Kapturowski, Chair

There shall be a Technical and Science Committee (TASC) consisting of one AARST member appointed by the President who shall chair the Committee, and one Director and one AARST member who are selected by the Chair and approved by the Executive Committee. Voting Subject Matter Experts may be selected by the Chair and approved by the Executive Committee, as needed, to consider any individual item referred to the TASC.
The Technical and Science Committee shall research and evaluate technical matters of interest to the Association and provide information to the Board and committees as required on initial guidance documents and research. The TASC shall serve as the technical review board of the National Radon Proficiency Program.