The Indoor Environments Association held its first Music Video Contest in July-August. The contest challenge was to create a short (< three minutes) music video using an existing song, changing the original lyrics to words that promote radon awareness and/or testing. The contest was advertised through the IEA monthly e-newsletter Rn Biz and social media.
Entries were submitted by: YES Labs Team with Freedom from Radon, Radonova featuring Radon Man with Radon Shuffle, CERTI-fied Players with Remember Radon This Way, and Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy (EGLE) with Please, Please, Please Test Your Home for Radon.
A panel of three judges viewed and rated the videos. The Grand Prize winner, Michigan EGLE, with Please, Please, Please, Test Your Home for Radon, was announced by Executive Director Diane Swecker on September 18th at Indoor Environments: Radon and Vapor Intrusion Symposium in Orlando.
All four videos are available on IEA’s YouTube channel @stopradon. Visit @stopradon, subscribe, and give the video contestants a thumbs up on YouTube!