Call For Presentation Abstracts is Now Open for the 36th Annual AARST International Radon and Vapor Intrusion Symposium on October 24-26, 2022 taking place at the Hyatt Regency in Bellevue, Washington.

Your knowledge and experience are very important to us!

For over three decades, radon professionals have been gathering to learn from leaders, innovators, educators, advocates and researchers about radon risk, reduction, technology developments, policy making, and so much more. This event happens at the AARST Symposium, annually. Additionally, researchers and speakers are invited to submit a paper for consideration to be included in the annual Proceedings, a peer-reviewed journal, esteemed in the health physics and scientific communities. The Proceedings from all previous symposia may be found on the AARST website under the Symposium Archives section in the menu.

The gatherings at symposia-past, have been the impetuous for many highly regarded leaders in the radon industry to continue research, even lead the way for radon research in other countries, where their education and research facilities are just beginning the work for their countries that AARST led the way in over thirty years ago. Canada, South Korea, the EU, Scandinavian and Eastern European countries, African nations, even Nepal all have institutions and innovators looking to AARST as the leader in radon risk reduction and policy-building to protect and save lives, modeling their conferences like the International Radon Symposium.
Last year, in celebration of the 35th anniversary, AARST included vapor intrusion under the symposium umbrella. Vapor intrusion and radon work often go hand in hand, radon is a soil gas, and the companies that mitigate for VI are knowledgeable in radon work and vice versa. The VI field is also a growing field for radon professionals, and at last year’s symposium, the Planning Committee featured a full track for VI specific themes.

The 2022 Call for Presentation Abstracts is now open, and we are looking for presentation abstracts from members of the scientific, medical, professional, educational, housing, business, policy, and advocacy communities to share new and innovative technology, research findings, business and financial strategies, policy updates, and other topics that will educate radon and chemical vapor intrusion professionals and other stakeholders. Presentations may be twenty minutes upward to forty minutes in length and may also be Poster Presentations. All submissions for consideration are peer reviewed by the Symposium Planning Committee, AARST National ED and Policy Director as well as the AARST Science Chair and committee.

AARST also hosts private educators on the Sunday before the start of the Symposium. With a selection of two-to-eight-hour NRPP approved courses available for attendees to take prior to the symposium sessions. This Call also includes proposals for Continuing Education Courses offered on Sunday October 23rd. The deadline for submissions is May 15th, 2022.

Call for Presentation Abstracts

For instructions on submitting proposals…