Acceptance notices will be distributed in early June.
Notices will be communicated through our management program called Cvent. All speakers will access Cvent using the email address they used to submitted their proposals.
The Speaker Resource Center (SRC) on Cvent will be your show your task list, with due dates.
Speakers may access the SRC to manage their deliverables, due dates, such as photos, biographies, and other deliverables, as they relate to the 2024 final agenda and print program.
Speakers are expected to register for the conference by the end of the Early Bird Deadline, July 1st.
2024 PowerPoint Slide Template: This template unifies the presentations throughout sessions. Presentations on slides are the ownership of the presenter but AARST retains the rights to publish all slides on the IEA/AARST website unless the presenter specifically withholds permission. Papers, once peer-reviewed, edited, and accepted, become the property of IEA/AARST for publication in the Proceedings.
About Slide Template. Templates are guides – the color and design of templates may be changed, but the footer must remain in place. The 2024 footer band color is “IEA Green” with white words. The ground color of the slide is a pale blue gradient. For more options in PowerPoint click on Design in the Dashboard Ribbon then click on Format Background. Footers may be removed from info-heavy slides but must be in place on the front and end slides. Please refer to the non-commercialism policy for the use of a professional business logo. Tip: info-heavy slides can be broken up into more slides.
Paper Rubrics: Authors invited to write a manuscript for the published proceedings must follow the instructions in the ‘rubrics’ on formatting supporting materials such as bibliography, images, and graphs. A manuscript submitted by the deadline will go through the editing process. Responding in a timely fashion to all inquiries the editor makes throughout this process and meeting deadlines improves the chance of publication. Proceedings Rubrics
Posters: Poster presenters are assigned a poster board 4 feet high by 8 feet wide, to affix their poster on. Presenters are asked to set up their poster upon check-in, it will remain on display Sunday through Tuesday. Presenters are responsible for bringing the tools to place their presentations onto the board, tacks, stapler, and tape. Presenters will be scheduled during one break on Monday or Tuesday to be available to discuss their presentations with attendees. No slides are displayed.