AARST has established a Political Action Committee (PAC) for the benefit of the membership, to help elect political candidates who understand and appreciate the need for federal policies to reduce risk of radon-induced lung cancer.  Having a PAC elevates AARST’s status as a policy advocate in Washington DC and in state capitals.  It allows AARST to contribute funds to the campaigns of candidates whose policies and interests are aligned with AARST and its membership with respect to radon testing and mitigation.  The PAC gives AARST a political capability to complement its congressional, federal agency, and state legislative advocacy capabilities. 

What is a Political Action Committee – PAC?

A PAC is an entity established under law that allows groups of individuals to pool funds to support the election of candidates for political office and for other election-related purposes.  This pooling mechanism allows people with common interests – such as members of a trade association – to concentrate and magnify their impact in supporting candidates for office.

Are membership contributions to the PAC required?

No.  Member contributions to the PAC are entirely voluntary and are not a condition of membership.  However, only members of AARST may contribute to/participate in the AARST Radon PAC.  It is a privilege of membership in AARST.  AARST invites its members to participate, but there is no consequence to not participating.

How much can I contribute to the PAC?

Individuals may contribute up to $5,000 annually to a PAC. Federal law requires a PAC to report the name, address, occupation and employer for each contributor who gives $200 or more in a calendar year.

Official Notice

Federal law prohibits the AARST Radon PAC soliciting contributions from outside the AARST membership.  Any donations received from an unauthorized source will be returned to the contributor.

Can my company contribute to the PAC?

No.  Only individuals, sole proprietors, and LLCs that are not taxed as corporations may contribute to AARST Radon PAC.  The PAC cannot solicit or receive contributions from corporations. 

How can I make a contribution to the PAC?

Personal checks payable to “AARST Radon PAC” may be sent to the AARST office at 527 N. Justice Street, Hendersonville, NC 28739.  

Are contributions to the PAC tax deductible? 

As with all political contributions, contributions to the PAC are not tax deductible.

Where can I get more information?

Contact Carolyn Koke, Treasurer, at aarstradonpac@aarst.org or telephone 334-826-0356.