Radon Mitigation Compliance Inspector Certification-prep Course


Radon Mitigation Compliance Inspector Certification-prep Course  KSU-8000
8 hr

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SKU: KSU-8000 Category:


Radon Mitigation Compliance Inspector Certification-prep Course KSU-8000 8 hr Course Description:  Initial Training Course for NRPP Soil Gas Mitigation Compliance Inspector certification. This initial training course will serve the training requirements for the new NRPP Soil Gas Mitigation Compliance Inspector Certification. The intent of the certification is to enable system inspections that can help state radon programs with compliance, help resolve citizen complaints to NRPP, and increase the installation of safe and effective radon mitigation systems. The course will cover ASD systems, the AARST Mitigation Checklist and an associated App will guide the inspection process and documentation requirements. We will review many actual inspections results to show the good, the ok and the non-compliant aspects of greatest concern. A quiz will be used to help prepare for the NRPP Certification exam via remote proctoring through Examity, which would be completed by candidates on their own after completing the course. The pre-requisites for this certification are either a NRPP Measurement Professional or Provided by Kansas State University (MURC-KSU), Manhattan, KS