Rn Biz November 2021

Vol. 7 No. 11 November 2021

News and Events

For the Radon Professional

AARST Board Election for 2021
Congratulations to the newly elected Board of Directors, announced at the 2021 Annual Meeting in Bethesda Maryland, October 12. (L-R First Row) Eric Lewandowski (Nat’l Dir), Dawn Oggier (Nat’l Dir), Kyle Hoylman (Pres), David Hill (VP),  (L-R Second Row) Tony McDonald (VP), Dawn Goard (Nat’l Dir), Nate Burden (Chapter Council Dir), George Schambach (Chapter Council Dir), Jim Emanuels (Nat’l Dir), Aaron Fisher (Nat’l Dir). (Missing: Jan Fisher (Sect), Dan Potter (Treas), David Gillay (Nat’l Dir), Dave Kapturowski (Nat’l Dir), John Mallon (Nat’l Dir). For full BOD List and contacts VISIT

The AARST Annual Symposium comes together each year with a lot of work by volunteers. It takes many months to plan and make the event a reality. It is a conference designed by AARST members and radon professionals for radon professionals. Mere thanks are never enough for the hours of work everyone puts into the creation and production of this annual event. You make it all possible! – Thank you!

Symposium Planning Committee:
Dawn Oggier (Chair), Wes Hodgden (Tech Sessions Lead), Jan Fisher and Laurie Chilcote (Exhibitor Leads), Brent Ulbert (Social Events Lead), Ashley Falco (Marketing Lead), Kirsten Schmidt (Volunteer Lead), Shannon Cory (AV Lead), Kyle Hoylman (AARST President)
Tech Sessions Work Group: Crystal Lytle, Owen Reese, Bruce Snead, Dr. Phil Jenkins, Tony McDonald
Science & Research/Proceedings Review Committee:
Dr. Mike Kitto (Science and Research Chair/ Proceedings Editor), Dr. Uttam Saha, Dr. Phil Jenkins, Kevin Stewart, Dr. Leo Moorman
Onsite Volunteers: Marcey Vescio, David Gillay, Vicki Bhatt, Kathy Smit, Shad Evans, Matt Hendrick, David Metzger, ReveAnn Ellrott, Jim Emanuels, Chad Robinson, George Schambach, Dr. Darioush Ghahremani, Brian Hanson, Kristina Snyder, Laura Wallace, Carolyn Koke, Dave Kapturowski, and Christopher Ferguson. Our sincere apologies if we missed anyone.

Radon Research

The Nuclear and Radiation Studies Board of the National Academies of Science hosted two two-hour webinars to review available data on radiation exposures and 

human health: cardiovascular effects at low doses of radiation and what has been learned about radon risks since publication of the BEIR VI report. Videos of the webinars and meeting materials are available now.

The 2006 Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation (BEIR) VII report is the latest in a series of reports published by the National Academies that examine radiation exposures and human health. BEIR VII utilized data from the atomic bomb survivors and fromMORE

Jay Bauder Celebration of Life Service

Sunday, November 28th, 1-3 pm
Akron Volunteer Fire Company
1229 Main Street
Akron, PA 17501


Parking is to the back right of the building and the entrance is at the rear of the building.

Welcome to AARST!

Meet AARST’s new Administrative Assistant- Cindy Van Gorder. Originally from Pennsylvania, Cindy has lived in several US locations but has called North Carolina home the longest. Having left a previous workplace where she experienced adverse health effects from an

environmental toxin, Cindy has a special interest in being a part of an organization that advocates for and sets standards for mitigating one of the most dangerous of all hazards…radon. In her free time, Cindy enjoys being outside hiking, walking, and sightseeing. While inside she enjoys decorating, organizing, and making cards. She is also trained as a Discipleship Counselor with Grace Life International.

Welcome to AARST

A familiar face in the radon industry, Rebecca Turek joins AARST as the new Quality Assurance Program Manager, responsible for developing and maintaining the audit program. She also investigates complaints and works closely with both the

Standards Committee and the Certification Council. Rebecca graduated from Syracuse University and went on to manage the Radon Reference Laboratory at Bowser-Morner for three years. She has additional experience in radiation safety and is currently pursuing her Master’s in Health Physics at the Illinois Institute of Technology. When not working, Rebecca loves playing with her dog, Jackpot, and doing yoga.

Help advance effective radon policies.
Please support ARPC – The American Radon Policy Campaign.

The ARPC continues to support representation of radon industry policy priorities in Washington DC and key state capitols across the US. In 2021, AARST rehired our former lobbyist Randy Pence to assist with securing Congressional support for a strong FHFA multifamily radon policy, and supported ongoing government affairs work on regulation through certification and other goals.
Since 2013, the ARPC Advertisers program has been the mechanism through which AARST members purchase advertising to support AARST’s government affairs work. Payments for ARPC advertising are tax-deductible business expenses. Join the ARPC Advertisers program today, with a one-time payment or a sustaining/recurring payment.

Year-End Business Tips

It’s time to start assessing 2021 and planning for 2022. The article “Finish Strong: 10 Year-End Tips for Your Small Business,” by Legal Zoom may have some helpful ideas to get you started. MORE

Stakeholder, Chapter Meetings, and CE Opportunities  Visit our events calendar to find upcoming webinars, training courses, and in-person regional meetings. CALENDAR

Welcome to Our Newest AARST Members!

Clive Williams (NJ), Craig Rochat (TN), Dean Travis Crickenberger (UT), Eric Mueller (NH), Fred Ellrott (CA), Ken Tomczak (NY), Nicholas Rak (OH)

Welcome to Our Newest NRPP Certified Professionals!

Andrew R Dodge (IN), Anna Duewiger (CO), Ashley J Miller (RI), Catherine A Simington (TN), Damon Burnett-Fechter (UT), Derek Q Begley (CT), Dixie Weidman (WI), Dustyn Risner (OH), Erik Gottlieb (RI), Gilberto Cortez (VA), Greg McGaha (KY), Gregory Holt (KY), Irving Thomas (VA), James L Parsons (OK), James M Duffy (MA), John Hunt (OH), Joseph Miller (GA), Kade K McGilvray (WI), Karen Amspacker (SD), Kim Radzik (NV), kyle Ramaeker (IA), Lauren Beyrent (PA), Lewis W Wertz (PA), Marc Walery (SD), Mark Childs (MA), Marshall Tramp (WA), Mikeal Colquhoun (UT), Stephen D Smith (AZ), Steven Kremer (DE), Syed Faran Jafri (TX), Thomas Lochtefeld (CT), Trent Amerine (KS), Trent Sappingfield (IN), Van Pinnix (VA), Victor Ukpolo (MD), William P. Kennihan (PA), Zachary Ferketich (PA)

Administrative Office
527 N Justice Street
Hendersonville, NC  28739
