The Indoor Environments Association, formerly known as AARST, addresses radon, vapor intrusion, and other contaminants of concern in the built environment.

Volume 18   •  No. 11 •  November 2024

News and Events for the Radon and Vapor Intrusion Industry

Join IEA & ALA for Lung Cancer Awareness Month Webcast: CE Available

November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month. November 21st marks the annual Great American Smokeout Tobacco Awareness Holiday. Considering tobacco smoke and radon exposure are the two leading causes of lung cancer, and exposure to both heightens the probability of developing the disease, it is important to acknowledge the benefits of radon exposure risk reduction and the benefits of tobacco cessation, and to help link individuals and their families across the U.S.with proven effective strategies for eliminating these risk factors.

Join presenters from the American Lung Association and the Indoor Environments Association as they discuss the impact of radon-smoking synergy and explore proven-effective strategies, tips, and tricks to obtaining and maintaining a tobacco-free lifestyle for good. Earn 1 hour of NRPP Category I Continuing Education – Free for IEA Members! Register for the Radon-Smoking Synergy: Proven-Effective Strategies to Lower Your Risk for Lung Cancer webcast CLICK HERE.

NRPP Certification & Exam Fee Increase

Starting January 1, 2025, fees will increase for NRPP exams, initial certifications, and renewal certifications. This change affects measurement, mitigation, and compliance certification exams as well as certification fees for Radon Measurement Professionals (RMP), Radon Measurement Field Technicians (RMFT), Radon Mitigation Specialists (RMS), and Soil Gas Mitigation Compliance Inspectors (SGM-CI). This change reflects NRPP’s commitment to maintaining the highest standards in certification and exam quality. For more information regarding this change, please CLICK HERE.

For Public Review: CCAH (New Construction of Homes)

 CCAH: Soil Gas Control in New Construction of One & Two Family Dwellings and Townhouses

The proposed revisions respond to comments from content publicly reviewed 5/17/24 to 7/1/24 for ANSI/AARST CCAH. This continuous maintenance project has sought to harmonize CCAH with more recent work on ANSI/AARST CC-1000.

To access content for public review, please CLICK HERE.

Deadline for comments: November 3, 2024

2025 IEA Media Kit Now Available!

IEA is excited to launch the 2025 Advertisers Prospectus, offering valuable opportunities to showcase brands to target audiences. Special pricing for full-year contracts is available only until January 20th; after that, all advertising will be offered at single-month rates. Advertisers who value Rn Biz are encouraged to submit orders promptly! The January issue of Rn Biz will be distributed by January 5th. CLICK HERE for more information.

Certification Council Seats Open for Applications

NRPP is seeking applicants for the following seats: Consumer Interests, Radon Laboratory, Radon Equipment Manufacturer, Vapor Intrusion, and Certified States. If you are interested in providing governance and oversight of NRPP’s certification programs, please review the qualifications here and apply by completing this form and attaching your resume or bio.

 Fall is a great time to join the

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Support Policy Change to Reduce

Radon Risk

Free Smoking Cessation Program for Radon & Vapor Intrusion Professionals and Their Families


The Indoor Environments Association is excited to announce the launch of a new campaign, which began August 1st, in partnership with the American Lung Association.

You can now access the Freedom From Smoking® Plus program for FREE, a $99.95 value! This digital quit smoking program helps you or your loved ones create a personalized quit plan and provides a full year of support with expert guidance and resources. This is available to all IEA members, radon and VI professionals, and their families. For more information and to sign up, CLICK HERE.

NRPP Renewal Reminder: CE Policy

We want to thank those who continue to renew their certification(s) with NRPP every two years! We know you are busy, and making the time to maintain your credentials reflects your dedication to stopping radon and saving lives.

As a reminder, CE courses that you have previously taken and used for a past renewal cycle cannot be used again. This means that you must choose a new course from the approved CE list to use for your current renewal. To see a list of previously submitted CE courses, please log into your NRPP certification portal, click on the Continuing Education tab, and scroll down to ‘My Continuing Education History’.

To see a list of current approved course offerings, please CLICK HERE. New courses are being added regularly.

Check this week’s circular for more Savings

Chapter / Regional Meetings

Welcome to the Newest
Members of the
Indoor Environments Association!

Daniel Shawn Rakes (NC), Demetrius Cook (TX), Matthew W Williams (VA), Tony Mehrtens (TN)

Pilot Questions Added to NRPP Exams

NRPP has added pilot questions to its exams; this means that ten (10) pilot questions were added to the Radon Measurement Field Technician (RMFT) and Radon Mitigation Installer (RMI) exams, increasing the total number of questions on each of those exams from 85 to 95. Fifteen (15) pilot questions were added to the Radon Measurement Professional (RMP) and Radon Mitigation Specialist (RMS) exams, increasing the number of questions on those exams from 150 to 165. Pilot questions are unscored questions, meaning the responses do not count for or against the test-takers’ exam scores. Adding pilot questions to the exams allows NRPP to “try out” newly written questions to determine if they are fair and can be used in the future as scored questions. The goal is to expand the “bank” of solid, well-written questions that NRPP’s test developers can draw from to create new exams. NRPP collects diagnostic information for each question and calculates statistics such as difficulty and discrimination. If a question doesn’t perform well – for example, if nobody gets it correct – it is either revised and pilot tested again or removed from the bank so it won’t be on an exam in the future. By knowing how questions perform before using them as scored questions, NRPP will enhance the quality of exams and help to ensure that the exams are fair and reliable indicators of the test-takers’ knowledge. The addition of 15 questions to the RMP and RMS exams is not expected to greatly lengthen testing time; currently, test-takers rarely use the full three hours and, on average, complete the RMP and RMS exams in 90 minutes or less.

Welcome to the Newest
NRPP-Certified Professionals!

Adam G Crock (OH), Ahmad H Mansour (CA), Alexander E Hinton (CO), Alfredo Ochoa (CO), Andrew C Kranz (MI), Andrew S Ricker (CO), Andrew Taylor (VA), Asha Egmont (IL), Benjamin Bojda (NV), Branden C Edwards (NH), Carl Marcotte (FL), Carlos Linares (NM), Chad Stramel (KS), Christopher Shrum (MO), Collen Brown (CO), Dace S Huston (ID), David Hinkle (PA), Deon Garcia (CO), Devlin RC McAllister (OR), Emma G Breckon (IL), Gregory Kaczynski (CT), Hannah Cavanaugh (KS), Hunter C Edelen (CO), Jake Griffith (IN), Jarred Pond (ID), John Cowherd (IN), Jose Marin (NV), Joshua C Miller (VA), Katherine R Winter (CO), Kelly C Jones (SC), Kenneth Einhorn (NJ), Kyle Bonnett (IL), Lisa Barca-Rabeiro (NJ), Luis Hernandez (VA), Matthew Romer (TX), Michael J Crandall (MI), Michael Osman (IL), Nathan J Brewer (WI), Nicholas J Guyett (NY), Nicholas Wright (IL), Nicole Brown (IN), Noah N Schnur (IN), Patrick R Lackey (CO), Paul Kevin Pike (CO), Rachael L Daniels (ID), Ryan B Farley (NH), Shayla L Phillips (VT), Soleil Sipes (TX), Steven Equi (VA), Steven Forbes (TN), Terry R Roark (KY), Thomas M Bendak (IL), Timothy Narrow (KY), Tracey L Carpenter (AZ), Zachary Westfall (CO)

Editorial Content Wanted: Indoor Environments Association (AARST) publishes content over two platforms. We are interested in radon and vapor intrusion interest stories, technical papers, business topics, health advancements/detection regarding radon-related issues, and more. Please submit content for consideration to

Indoor Environments Association is a nonprofit, professional organization of members who are dedicated to the highest standard of excellence and ethical performance of hazard identification and abatement of radon, chemical vapor intrusion, and other contaminants of concern in the built environment. The organization primarily strives to advance the interests of its members through developing industry standards, certifying technical proficiency, enabling advancement of public policy, and communicating health risks to the public.