Vol. 9 No. 2 February 2023
News and Events For the Industry
AARST will be closed from February 20th through the 22nd for a staff retreat.
AARST Symposium 2023
Call for Presentations and Papers
The Call for Speakers and Presentation Proposals for the 2023 AARST Symposium is now open. The 37th annual symposium will occur in Nashville, October 29 – November 1, 2023. We are looking for new original research, empirical or applied, on radon and vapor intrusion risk, measurement, mitigation, soil gas controls in new construction, analytics, risk communication, and similar topics. We also welcome presentations on effective methods of conveying essential radon and vapor intrusion messages to target audiences, reducing risk for low-income families, marketing and expanding services, enacting and implementing public policy, demonstrating technology, and similar activities to further the transfer of information. MORE
News from NRPP: Supervision
If the Designated Supervisor Becomes Unavailable NRPP policy requires that measurement technicians and mitigation installers be supervised by, respectively, a measurement professional or mitigation specialist. The Certification Council decided, at its November meeting, to allow measurement technicians and mitigation installers whose previously designated certified supervisor is no longer available to continue working within the scope of his or her credential for up to 90 days to complete current projects, while seeking a new supervising professional/specialist or obtaining the more advanced credential.
Chapter Corner
Chapters and Regions are planning meetings! Save the dates:
EPA Region 7 – Mar. 7, Stakeholder Meeting, Des Moines, IA
MW AARST – Mar. 10, Stakeholder Meeting, Oak Brook, IL
MD Chapter AARST C.E. – Mar. 10, Ellicott City, MD
EPA Region 8 – Apr. 20-21, Stakeholder Meeting/C.E., Westminster, CO
NEAARST Chapter – Jun. 8-9, Meeting/C.E., Portsmouth, NH
OARP – Jun. 28, Annual Golf Outing
**New AARST Chapters Forming: IN – Dawn Coffee, TN – Phil McDonnell, VA – John Davis
News from NRPP:
Certification Surveys
Survey Responses Needed NRPP is surveying individuals who completed multifamily measurement and mitigation courses about the skills and experience necessary for NRPP’s new commercial certifications (which will cover work in multifamily, school, mixed-use, and large buildings). NRPP needs more participants’ info to keep the process moving forward. The deadline has been extended. If you received the survey request in mid-January, please complete the survey. Email certification@nrpp.info if you can’t find the original email request.
CARST – Annual Radon Conference
CARST2023 – Canada’s 12th Annual Radon Conference CARST has announced that its in-person conference will occur April 12-16, 2023 in Victoria, British Columbia.
Check out the details online here.
CALL FOR SPEAKERS: CARST is seeking PRESENTATIONS, POSTERS and CONTINUING EDUCATION courses to help expand radon knowledge across Canada, in both English and French. CLICK TO SUBMIT
News from Idaho
ID Needs Mitigators The Idaho Radon Program is offering financial subsidies to incentivize individuals to become qualified to perform mitigation work in Idaho. The program will provide 100% reimbursement for completion of the NRPP or NRSB radon mitigation exam, and $250 reimbursement for completion of an approved training course, with proof of an Idaho business license. The offer is available until June 1, 2023, to the first 20 persons who are eligible.
News from Kentucky
KY Notice of Statutory Amendments and Proposed Rule Making Read the full notice here. Significant changes have been made to radon-related Kentucky laws in 2022 and 2019. The KY Board of Radon Safety is now responsible for promoting control of radon including evaluation and control of all radon-related activities and promulgating regulations. Effective June 2019, radon contractors and business entities are required to be certified through either NRPP or NRSB to perform radon measurement, mitigation, or laboratory analysis and required to adopt and follow written standard operating procedures (SOPs) established by an ANSI-accredited development organization for radon measurement, mitigation, or laboratory analysis.

Welcome to Our Newest
AARST Members!
Daniel Thomas (ID), Jay D Anderson (IN), Jennifer L Thorne (MT), Kathy Cook (IL), Keith Valenti (IL), Kimberley Waldron (CO), Kimberly Steves (KS), Kyle Quinn (TN), Robert Donaldson (FL), Robert Vitek (IL), Robin Lawson (IL), Ronald VeVerka (PA), Sara Hamidovic (IN), William Carmichael (TN)
Thanks to all who renewed their memberships: Aaron Lyons (NE), Alison Gorny (ID), Brande Doll (NE), Bruno Vassel IV (UT), Cayr Curtis (UT), Cody Nish (WY), Colleen A Fried (MN), Daniel Hylland (MN), Daniel Tranter (MN), Deanna French (IN), Don Walker (UT), Gary Richey (ID), Gregory Shawn Phillips (TN), J.B. Shearer (IA), Jane Patlyek (MI), Jeff (Jay) Lords (CO), Jim Emanuels (IL), John Howard (ME), John Sheffield (MN), Joshua Fitzgarrald (NE), Joshua Kerber (MN), Keith M. Volsted (IL), Kelly Smeltzer (MN), Kenneth Feldman (CO), Laura Neuroth (VA), Linda Moore (IL), Lucas Worosilo (GA), Mark A. Perry (FL), Mark J. Dorner (NE), Mary McBride (CO), Nathaniel L. Burden, Jr. (PA), Patrick Peoples (AL), Rob Rosengarten (IL), Robert A Anderson (PA), Robert W. Corum (NE), Samuel Olson (MN), Steven Lawrence (KY), Sue Schleicher (MO), Thom Schiavone (PA), Tyler J Shull (CO), Tyler S. Tetreault (VA), Wayne Dean (FL)

Welcome to Our Newest
NRPP Certified Professionals!
Aaron O Trapp (CO), Anthony Galasso (PA), Austin Rose (OH), Brandy F Groves (CA), Carl Mayer (KS), Chase Leslie (MO), Chris Williams (CO), Christine Donoghue (IL), Christopher R Weiman (CO), Colby Koerner (CO), Cory Stamp (NY), Curtis McLeer (NJ), Dana Parkinson (KY), David Boyer (CO), David W Wall (CO), Donald E Steele (CO), Eddie Taylor (WI), Eleanor Divver (UT), Emma Laurens (AZ), Erica Ervine-Treinis (VT), Eugene Miles Dyson (NM), Hong Pae Kim (AP), Jacob Kruger (CO), Jacqueline Cornagie (MO), Jasmine A Brown (AK), Jason K Muckey (NY), Jeffrey H Krause (CO), Jennifer L Thorne (MT), John Regan (MA), Joseph Dionisio (CO), Keegan Reynolds (KY), Kevin Thompson (CO), Lee Bedore (KY), Mark Schexnayder (NM), Mary Ann Saenz (PA), Matt Hohne (CA), Micah D Ellerbe (TX), Michael J McKernan (CO), Michael S Kaptein (CT), Michael T Butts (WV), Nicholas G Frey (PA), Noah Nelson (UT), Rob Carpenter (KY), Ryan Dilyard (OH), Scott Whitbeck (CO), Shane A Goodwin (CA), Shaw C Jobson (CO), Shawn Elswick (MI), Stephen C Maher (IN), Steven R Keen (TN), Thomas W Cassidy (CO), Trevor A Luedke (AK), Trevor J Truett (CO), William Hoffman (OH)
In this fast-growing industry, radon and VI professionals are busy! AARST appreciates the time you give to stay informed. To help you access the most relevant information for your needs, AARST provides you with the option to choose your news preferences. AARST uses Constant Contact for email communications.
Editorial Content Wanted: AARST publishes content over two platforms. We are interested in radon and vapor intrusion interest stories, technical papers, business topics, health advancements/detection in regard to radon-related issues, and more. Please submit content for consideration to editor@aarst.org.