The Indoor Environments Association, formerly known as AARST, addresses radon, vapor intrusion, and other contaminants of concern in the built environment.

Volume 20 • No. 13 • January 2025
News and Events for the Radon and Vapor Intrusion Industry
•Special NRAM Edition•

January is National Radon Action Month!
IEA would like to help you participate by providing radon awareness resources!
Visit the IEA NRAM resource page for ideas and downloadable items to share with your community to protect against radon. Multi-language resources are available, including proclamations, consumer guides, and printable postcard and door hangers!
Make NRAM an Official Month
in Your Community
NRAM proclamations are a way to connect with your local officials to proclaim January is National Radon Action Month.
Need instructions? Download this instruction sheet with templates to personalize your requests. When you get a proclamation, please share it with IEA and we will spread the word of your success on our social media platforms. DOWNLOAD HERE
NRPP Certification Development Surveys Now Available
NRPP is developing a new certification program for individuals who mitigate radon in large, commercial buildings. If you perform this work, have ever performed this work, or supervise people performing this work we would like to hear from you.
The survey asks about the work you do when mitigating radon in large, commercial buildings and asks that you rate a number of job tasks. It also asks for your input on certification prerequisites and recertification activities. NRPP will use the results of the survey to create the new certification program. This is an opportunity for you to define the role of the commercial radon mitigation specialist and establish certification requirements for the profession.
CLICK HERE to access the Commercial Radon Mitigation Specialist JTA Survey. It takes 15 minutes to complete and if you are NRPP certified, you can claim 1 CE toward any certification for completing the survey.
NRPP is also revalidating the Radon Measurement Professional (RMP) certification program. We do this every 5 years to ensure that the RMP certification requirements and examination content accurately assess job-related knowledge and skills that the RMP needs to measure radon effectively.
If your work involves measuring radon in single-family residences, or supervising others measuring radon in single-family residences, please complete the survey and tell us about your job. The survey also asks for your input on certification prerequisites and recertification activities. The results of the survey will be used to modify current certification requirements, if necessary.
CLICK HERE to access the Single-Family Residential Radon Measurement Professional JTA Survey: It takes 20 minutes to complete and if you are NRPP certified, you can claim 1 CE toward any certification for completing the survey.
Spread the Message! #StopRadon
No time? No problem! Just like, forward and share any post about NRAM you see in your favorite social media feed.
Visit any of our social media platforms below:
IEA Facebook | NRPP Facebook | Twitter/X | YouTube | LinkedIn
NRPP Certification & Exam Fee Increase
Starting January 1, 2025, fees increased for NRPP exams, initial certifications, and renewal certifications. This change affects measurement, mitigation, and compliance certification exams as well as certification fees for Radon Measurement Professionals (RMP), Radon Measurement Field Technicians (RMFT), Radon Mitigation Specialists (RMS), and Soil Gas Mitigation Compliance Inspectors (SGM-CI). This change reflects NRPP’s commitment to maintaining the highest standards in certification and exam quality. For more information regarding this change, please CLICK HERE.
2025 IEA Media Kit Now Available!
IEA is excited to launch the 2025 Advertisers Prospectus, offering valuable opportunities to showcase brands to target audiences. Special pricing for full-year contracts is available only until January 20th; after that, all advertising will be offered at single-month rates. Advertisers who value Rn Biz are encouraged to submit orders promptly!
CLICK HERE for more information.
For Public Review: Addenda Updates to MA-MFLB
Consistent with the AARST Consortium on National Radon Standards continuous maintenance program, a variety of proposed updates are being publicly reviewed.
Topics include considerations and efforts to clarify requirements for:
Certifying bodies relative to qualified measurement professionals,
When mitigation is recommended, and
Follow-up testing procedures
Also: Notice of repopulated roster for the executive stakeholder committee and rosters for radon measurement and radon in water consensus bodies.
To view repopulated rosters:
Executive Stakeholder Committee (Policy and Oversight)
Radon Measurement Committee (MAH and MA-MFLB standards)
Radon in Water Committee (Measurement & Mitigation of Radon in Water)
Repopulated mitigation and QA committees will be announced at a later date.
***Deadline for comments is January 20, 2025***
To participate, please CLICK HERE.
Free Smoking Cessation Program for Radon & Vapor Intrusion Professionals and Their Families
The Indoor Environments Association is excited to announce the launch of a new campaign, which began August 1st, in partnership with the American Lung Association.
You can now access the Freedom From Smoking® Plus program for FREE, a $99.95 value! This digital quit smoking program helps you or your loved ones create a personalized quit plan and provides a full year of support with expert guidance and resources. This is available to all IEA members, radon and VI professionals, and their families. For more information and to sign up, CLICK HERE.
Welcome to the Newest
NRPP-Certified Professionals!
Aaron M Mauck (IN), Abe Mendez (NC), Arthur Hohenberger (NC), Arthur Taufen (CO), Chad Warhold (PA), Christopher D Rust (IN), Christopher Davis (CO), Christopher K Barbeau (NM), Conner Newton (MN), Emmanuel Ortiz-Soto (TX), Garrett A Ward (CO), Garrett S Monty (NJ), Hunter B Coates (FL), James E Maher (IN), Jason Burt (ID), Jay Cudmore (CA), Julia Mercier-Lords (CO), Justin G Davis (VA), Kailee M McCoy (AZ), Katherine Hall-Wurst (NC), Keiani Smith (TX), Logan Loftus (IA), Martha Carolina Cortes Ortiz (AZ), Martha H Lahti (CO), Martin M Ivey (NC), Matthew Scheffler (TN), Mouhammad Alharis (MI), Natalie M Pangilinan (CA), Patrick Hayes (VA), Peter Soriano (NJ), Phoenix T Dorr (CA), Robert Pantoja (CO), Robert W Smith (KY), Ryan E Luther (NH), Stephen Villoldo (FL), Trevor Michaelis (UT), Veronica Meij (CO), William C House (NC)
Welcome to the Newest
Members of the
Indoor Environments Association!
Editorial Content Wanted: Indoor Environments Association (AARST) publishes content over two platforms. We are interested in radon and vapor intrusion interest stories, technical papers, business topics, health advancements/detection regarding radon-related issues, and more. Please submit content for consideration to
Indoor Environments Association is a nonprofit, professional organization of members who are dedicated to the highest standard of excellence and ethical performance of hazard identification and abatement of radon, chemical vapor intrusion, and other contaminants of concern in the built environment. The organization primarily strives to advance the interests of its members through developing industry standards, certifying technical proficiency, enabling advancement of public policy, and communicating health risks to the public.