Vol. 9 No. 7 July 2023
News and Events For the Industry
July Radon Reporter
Just Published! Read the Entire Issue
- 2023 ANSI/AARST Standards Released
- New AARST Member Benefit – FREE STANDARDS
- Symposium Preview
- Good News: International Intercomparison of Radon Calibration Facilities
- Cost of Radon-Induced Lung Cancer
- Choosing the “Right” Vapor Barrier
- AARST Comment on HUD-Proposed Policy
- Top 3 Radon Insurance Questions
Openings on the Certification Council:
The Certification Council establishes credentialing criteria and complaint evaluation, decertification, and reciprocity policies for the National Radon Proficiency Program (NRPP). It consists of stakeholders representing a cross-section of industry segments.
The Council is accepting applications for the immediate vacancies in the seats representing Educators and Home inspectors.
Applications for the following seats are due by Thursday, August 31: Radon Mitigation – Residential; Radon Chambers; Consumer Interests; Radon Measurement – Residential; and Non-Licensing/Certifying States.
Potential applicants are encouraged to review the qualifications. Applications should be submitted using THIS FORM.
NRPP is ANAB-Accredited
under ISO 17024
Deadline Extended to July 15
AARST Board Nominations
The AARST Board election will be conducted during October with results announced at the Annual Meeting October 31 in Nashville.
Positions open for terms beginning November 2023 are Nationally Elected Directors (five), President-Elect, Vice-President (1), Secretary and Treasurer.
Nominees for the Nationally Elected Board need to be members in good standing of the Association. No more than two Directors and one Officer from a single company or organization of common ownership or other closely related companies may serve.
Interested members should contact nominations@aarst.org or submit the AARST Board Member Nominating Profile form no later than July 15. For more information please see this blog post and the AARST SOP Nominations and Elections.
Upcoming Events
Chapters and Regions are planning meetings and Events! Save the dates:
Rocky Mountain 4th Annual Golf Event, Aug. 9, Arrowhead Golf Course, Littleton, CO
Indoor Environments 2023, Oct. 29 – Nov. 1, Nashville, TN
Call for Nominations: AARST Awards
AARST invites nominations for six Association Awards that recognize Radon and Community Leaders who advance the profession. Please consider supporting your colleagues, employees, and community members by making them candidates for an AARST Award. Submit Nominations Here.
2023 Awards
1. Jack Bartholomew Award (est. 2014) – for recognized excellence by the American Association of Radon Scientists and Technologists in the field of professional radon education.
2. AARST Governance Award (est. 2006) – for significant leadership contributing to the Association’s governance.
3. Elizabeth Hoffman Award (est. 2014) – for advocacy by a citizen-advocate contributing to risk reduction awareness and/or radon policy.
4. Radon Community Impact Award – to recognize an industry partner (e.g., real estate agent/ broker, builder, home inspector, state radon program official, public housing authority, journalist, etc.), who advocated for radon awareness in their community. (Standing Annual Award)
5. Radon Community Policy Award – to recognize an individual (e.g., federal, state, or local policymaker) who has an impact on radon policies in our country.
6. AARST Chapter Leadership Award – to recognize an individual or the entire Chapter. (Standing Annual Award)
Indoor Environments™ 2023
Announces Keynote Speaker!
Indoor Environments 2023 is pleased to announce the Keynote Speaker – Steve Diggs!
STEVE DIGGS (CSP) is the founder of six businesses and led his own advertising agency and broadcast production firm for 25 years. Internationally recognized author and speaker, his Fast-Forward Leadership Programs™ keep Steve’s clients on the cutting edge of industry best practices. While Steve is a Nashville local, speaking requests take him all over the world. As a high-content communications expert he inspires audiences with leadership strategies, branding, and communication skills! He has shared his insights with some of America’s best-known brands including American Airlines, McDonald’s, Wal-Mart, FedEx, Hilton, BMW, CNN, and Mercedes-Benz. More details about the Symposium HERE
Attention: States, Tribes & Territories
There will be a concurrent track at the AARST Symposium from October 29th – November 1st, 2023 for states, tribes, and territories. This replaces the event formerly known as CRCPD National Training Meeting. This track will offer 20 hours of radon-specific presentations for states, tribes, and territories at the Nashville symposium – full days Monday and Tuesday and a half day on Wednesday.
Testing in Summer Months?
Dan Potter’s (AARST Treasurer) Company, DuPage Radon Contractors, spells it out on their blog.
Join AARST in Nashville for Indoor Environments 2023. The Renaissance Nashville Hotel is situated in the heart of downtown Nashville, one block from “Honky Tonk Highway” the famous stretch of Broadway known for music. The Broadway vibe is exciting, fun, happy, and musically loud! Special gems are found off each side street, from the historic Ryman Auditorium to the Johnny Cash Museum to the Country Music Hall of Fame and more. Eateries, BBQs, and classic southern vittles are tucked in everywhere. Book your discounted room at the Renaissance Nashville Hotel today. BOOK HERE
New AARST Member Benefit!
AARST is now providing association members with free access to current and previous standards in both licensed PDF format and searchable Flipbook format. AARST members will be able to access these versions whenever they are logged in to the MY ACCOUNT section of the website at the Standards Library.
Members of the public will continue to have free access to non-searchable flipbooks as well as to purchase PDF versions at standards.aarst.org
Earlier versions: Because some states have adopted a previous version of standards, these are also still available in Flipbooks and for purchase.
Commercial Building Radon Professionals –
Tell us about your job!
NRPP is seeking input from radon measurement and mitigation service providers whose work includes, or has included, Multifamily, School, Commercial, and Mixed-Use Buildings. If you perform this type of work, have performed it in the past, or supervise others performing this work, NRPP would like to hear from you! Please complete our survey to help us identify the essential tasks required to perform commercial mitigation and measurement to reduce radon and protect the health and wellness of the public.
To access the survey, click on the link below that best represents your role. The survey takes under 20 minutes to complete. Your responses will be kept confidential. Survey results will be aggregated and used to create the new Commercial Mitigator and Commercial Measurement certifications’ exams designed to assess competent mitigation and measurement practice. We thank you in advance for supporting the radon profession.
Commercial Measurement Survey
Commercial Mitigation Survey
In Memoriam: Naomi H. Harley
August 4, 1932 – June 11, 2023
Dr. Naomi Ann Hallden Harley passed away on June 11, 2023, at the age of 90. Up until her passing, Dr. Harley was a Research Professor, in the Department of Environmental Medicine, at the NYU School of Medicine. Prior to her appointment to the faculty at the School of Medicine, she was Head of the Special Projects Group at the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission Health and Safety Laboratory. Her primary research interest was in the measurement and dose evaluation of human exposure to ionizing radiation, in particular radon and other naturally occurring radioactive materials. Her research resulted in over 170 scientific publications, along with six patents. In her years on the faculty, she mentored many MS and doctoral students who went on to contribute to the health physics community. Naomi Hallden Harley, 1932–2023
Important Change to NRPP CE Requirement
For NRPP Certification renewals after October 1st, 2023, the CE requirement for each certification includes completion of an NRPP-approved NEW Standard Overview Course for the applicable standard. The start date for this requirement has been extended from July 1st as previously announced due to the delay in the standards’ publication.
NRPP-Certified Individuals, Please Note: Radon Measurement Professionals (RMP) will only need to take the measurement standard update course. Radon Mitigation Specialists (RMS) will only need to take the mitigation standard update course. However, if you hold BOTH certifications, then you will need to take BOTH of these courses in order to renew.
To find the NEW Standards Overview courses CLICK HERE
Welcome to Our Newest
AARST Members!
Cameron S Butler (NC), Dane shaffer (CO), Dean Kalmukos (ID), Esther Hardesty (CO), James Duke Hunt (NC), James Williams (FL), Keith Sherer (AL), Kevin Chritz (CO), Nathaniel Weiss (ME), Robert Carvalho (FL), Scott Philbrick (CT), Stefanie Santora (MA), Terry Darling (NJ)
Editorial Content Wanted: AARST publishes content over two platforms. We are interested in radon and vapor intrusion interest stories, technical papers, business topics, health advancements/detection in regard to radon-related issues, and more. Please submit content for consideration to editor@aarst.org.
Welcome to Our Newest
NRPP-Certified Professionals!
Alex B Goble (CO), Alexander Robinson (OH), Ammon J Saurey (ID), Anthony Lapov (SD), Benjamin A. Whitley (NC), Brandon Brooks (WI), Bryson S Wise (CO), Cameron S Butler (NC), Christian Serediuk (IL), Coalan Gatts (OH), Daniel J Kennelly (CO), David S Lewandowski (FL), Dean Kalmukos (ID), Doyle O Crawford (MI), Edgar Viveros (IL), Edward Hockemeyer (UT), Fred Ellrott Jr. (CA), Gregory J Parrish (NH), Jacob Hartley (CO), Jacob M Buss (IL), Jacob R Smith (NJ), Jedd J Morley (UT), John Madigan (VT), John Williams (CO), Joseph E Grady (OH), Joseph M Adams (KY), Joshua Kleider (WI), Joshua L Goertzen (CO), Kaylie A Mason (WI), Keith P Phillips (TN), Kenneth P Fedor (TN), Larry Kruger (CO), Lopamudra Jagatdeo (TX), Lucas J Sechrest (MO), Mahima Hettiarachchi (NY), Maximilian Chmielinski (VA), Michael J Merino (IL), Michael R Hales (VA), Michael Satoh (IL), Patrick R Oliver (WA), Paul M. Woodward, CIH (VA), Rachel M Thomas (VA), Robert Crawley (KY), Robert D Egbert (UT), Robert Mauser (CO), Samuel Temple (CO), Sara Hamidovic (IN), Shawn G Eaton (CO), Shilo Pare (CO), Steven Agerbeek (MD), Thomas M Struble (TN), Thomas Mahr (CO), Tristan T O’Brien (MO), William Allen (WI), William T Browne (CO)
AARST is a nonprofit, professional organization of members who are dedicated to the highest standard of excellence and ethical performance of hazard identification and abatement of radon, chemical vapor intrusion, and other contaminants of concern in the built environment. The organization primarily strives to advance the interests of its members through developing industry standards, certifying technical proficiency, enabling advancement of public policy, and communicating health risks to the public. – Revised mission statement, February 2023