Rn Biz September 2021

Vol. 7 No. 9 September 2021
News and Events
For the Radon Professional

Three Updated Standards Are Now In Effect
Believe it or not; it’s been six months since the latest revisions were made in three important ANSI-AARST Standards:
- Soil Gas Mitigation Standards for Existing Homes (SGM-SF-2017)
- Protocol for Conducting Measurements of Radon and RDPs in Multifamily Buildings (MAMF-2017)
- RMS-MF-2018 Radon Mitigation Standards for Multifamily Buildings (RMS-MF-2018)
Yes, as of September 1, 2021, the updated versions of these three standards are in effect and enforceable. If you haven’t already, you can review them online for free or better yet, purchase copies for yourself at https://standards.aarst.org/
If you haven’t booked a room at the Marriott do it soon – our discounted room block is almost full!
Bethesda North Marriott Hotel & Conference Center
5701 Marinelli Road
Rockville, Maryland 20852
Many Thanks to our Premier Sponsors and All of our Exhibitors
See Who is Coming!

Help advance effective radon policies.
Please support ARPC – The American Radon Policy Campaign.
The ARPC continues to support representation of radon industry policy priorities in Washington DC and key state capitols across the US. In 2021, AARST rehired our former lobbyist Randy Pence to assist with securing Congressional support for a strong FHFA multifamily radon policy, and supported ongoing government affairs work on regulation through certification and other goals.
Since 2013, the ARPC Advertisers program has been the mechanism through which AARST members purchase advertising to support AARST’s government affairs work. Payments for ARPC advertising are tax-deductible business expenses. Join the ARPC Advertisers program today, with a one-time payment or a sustaining/recurring payment.
Sunday CE @ the Symposium: Policy Advocacy Training
Chapter Leaders, Policy Wonks, Radon Program Staff, and Other Passionate Advocates for Radon Risk Reduction: Join this four-hour free CE training on advocacy practices and key state-level risk reduction policies.
The intent of this course is to train advocacy leaders to create radon policy change on the state level. The training will offer some of the requisite skills and insights, focusing on how good ideas become laws, working with legislators and legislative staff, and engaging with allies, opponents, and other stakeholders.
The four components are:
- Key State Policies: Homebuyer notification and awareness policies; real estate sales testing requirement; state regulation through certification; school/child care facility testing; standards
- Radon Requirements for New Buildings: Current state requirements; advocating changes to ICC codes including Appendix F; engaging with code officials to support radon requirements in building codes; ANSI-AARST RRNC, CC-1000, CCAH.
- Organizing to Support State Policy Work: Developing the strategy to accomplish state policy change; enlisting other members, partners, and allies; working with opponents.
- The Legislative Process: How bills become laws; working with legislators and committees.

Support your AARST RADON PAC so that we can outswim the sharks and pass new radon laws!
Our annual fundraiser starts Sunday, October 10th at the opening of the 2021 AARST International Symposium. Your $20 personal donation gets you a chance to win a vacation at the luxurious InterContinental Presidente Cancun – worth up to $2,000! The resort is renowned for its service, luxury and location of one of the best diving destinations in the Caribbean.
Don’t miss out on your chance to win! All AARST members are eligible during the fundraiser. Simply complete and sign our Authorizing Form and buy your raffle tickets. Help us make sure radon is a bright, bi-partisan cause through your AARST RADON PAC. Questions? Contact Carolyn Koke, AARST Radon PAC Treasurer.

Detection and Characterization of Lung Cancer Using Cell-free DNA Fragmentomes
The rapid technological and analytical advancements in liquid biopsy analyses…have provided a new avenue for non-invasive detection of cancer. We and others have previously shown that mutations… can be directly detected in early-stage lung cancer patients without…MORE
Thanks to Leo Moorman for posting this article in the AARST Radon ListServ! A forum to participate in interesting conversations, post your questions, and network with other professionals. Sign up today- https://www.radonlistserv.org/.
Insights On The Five Stages Of Small Business Growth
Even during the best of times, starting a small business is tough. During the Covid-19 pandemic, it became a quest… MORE

Stakeholder, Chapter Meetings, and CE Opportunities Visit our events calendar to find upcoming webinars, training courses, and in-person regional meetings. CALENDAR

Welcome to Our Newest AARST Members!
Adam Britt Greenup (IN), Addie Woodruff (KY), Andrew Kain (MO), Ashley Hazlett (MO), Braden Demeree (NY), Carlton Aihara (CA), Chris Bonniwell, Ph.D. (WI), Cindy Van Gorder (NC), Daniel McClain (OH), Daniel Reid (MO), Danni Herrick (MO), Donald Brown (IA), Drewe Hansen (IL), Emily Condos (OH), Greg Turner (KY), Henry Schuver (DC), Jimmy Rogers (KY), Justin Kiger (FL), Kamau McAbee (MD), Kenneth J. Mininger (IN), Kimberly McGeorge (MO), Luke Moritz (MO), Nathan Cowan (IL), Patrick Hupp (MO), Peter Foller (CA), Peter Ruchti (IL), Rick Dennie (KY), Ryan Dahlvang (MN), Seth Roberts (CO), Shane R Barr (CO), Steven Grigson (KY), Suzanne Schaff (KY), Travis Fowler (KY), Trevor Moyer (GA), William Stubbs (MO), Zachary Probus (KY)

Welcome to Our Newest NRPP Certified Professionals!
Alex Clark (MO), Andrew Stinson (TX), Austin Sickmyre (MO), Cameron J Dopke (CA), Coalter W Hollberg (VA), Danni Herrick (MO), Douglas W Peters (KY), Duane Longenecker (GA), Eric Mullins (VA), Eric Thompson (TN), Faith Benefiel-Schutt (CO), JASON R SWEET (RI), Jonathan D Burgoni (IN), Joshua J Comerford (RI), Kimberly McGeorge (MO), Lucas Hendrickson (MN), Michael A Bowers (CO), Nathan C Prince (ID), Patrick Hupp (MO), Peter Cerny (NJ), Robert Miles (WI), Steve Burrows (GA), Steven McCullough (VA), Taryn Flink Cardiel (TX), Thomas C Toupin (RI), Tyler J Maraskine (MI)
Administrative Office
527 N Justice Street
Hendersonville, NC 28739