Vol. 9 No. 9 September 2023
News and Events For the Industry
Get your tickets or make a donation for the AARST Foundation Boots and Bling Gala fundraiser event in Nashville!

Indoor Environments 2023 Highlights:
Boots and Bling Gala Saturday
The Opening Reception Sunday
Industry Experts
The Exhibits
Free Continuing Education
October 29 – November 1
Renaissance Nashville Hotel | 611 Commerce St, Nashville, TN 37203
7 Weeks and Counting!
AARST Board Elections
Board Elections are coming up. AARST Members in good standing are eligible to vote. Please make sure your membership is up to date by signing in to your AARST account. Look for candidates’ bios in this month’s Radon Reporter (coming soon). The following people are on this year’s ballot:
For Nationally Elected Director (5 positions open)
Nathaniel L. Burden, Jr., Bryan Coy, Zan Jones, Terry Kerwin, John Mallon, Michael Walther, Kai Wundke, Kevin Stewart and Bill Sublett
For President-Elect
Dave Hill
For Vice President #2
Laura Armul, David Gillay
For Secretary
Jan Fisher
For Treasurer
Dan Potter
Chapter Corner
Events to mark your calendars:
Various Chapter Meetings to be held at Indoor Environments 2023, Oct. 29 – Nov. 1, Nashville, TN
Michigan DOE, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) Indoor Radon Program, Nov. 8, Gaylord, MI and Nov. 29. Lansing, MI
Welcome to the New FLORIDA CHAPTER! If interested in participating in Florida Chapter activities please contact the new officers.
Laura Armul (President): lauraarmul@sunradon.com
Dawn Oggier (Vice President): doggier@spruce.com
Robert Melendez (Treasurer): rmicorp@att.net
Mark Perry (Secretary): rtsradontesting@gmail.com
Region 3 Stakeholder Meeting
REGION 3 Stakeholders Meeting

Don’t wait to Book your room for Nashville!
The Renaissance Nashville Hotel is situated in the heart of downtown Nashville, one block from Broadway. The vibe is exciting, fun, happy, and musical! Special gems are found off each side street, from the historic Ryman Auditorium to the Johnny Cash Museum to the Country Music Hall of Fame and more. Eateries, BBQs, and classic southern vittles are tucked in everywhere. Book your discounted room at the Renaissance Nashville Hotel today. BOOK HERE
New AARST Member Benefit!
AARST is now providing association members with free access to current and previous standards in both licensed PDF format and searchable Flipbook format. AARST members will be able to access these versions whenever they are logged in to the MY ACCOUNT section of the website at the Standards Library.
Members of the public will continue to have free access to non-searchable flipbooks as well as to purchase PDF versions at standards.aarst.org
Earlier versions: Because some states have adopted a previous version of standards, these are also still available in Flipbooks and for purchase.
Improper Contracting for Multifamily Radon Services?
NEW! AARST is now accepting reports of improper contracting for multifamily radon services. “Improper” is defined as radon projects where the solicited/contracted scope of work is in violation of an applicable state law or regulation or radon standard, such as testing less than 100% ground-contact units.
Two versions of the form are available:
Google form (posts to AARST staff automatically)
MS Word (download, fill out, and attach to an email to nationalpolicy@aarst.org)
FHFA Webinar Now Online
ICYMI – Briefing on FHFA/GSEs’ Multifamily Radon Policy
The webinar recording for AARST-418, with quiz for CE credit, is posted at aarst.org/courses/. If you ARE NOT an AARST member and want C.E. credit, select “Click here to pay for the course.”
The slides from the webinar are posted HERE.
Important Change to NRPP CE Requirement
For NRPP Certification renewals after October 1st, 2023, the CE requirement for each certification includes completion of an NRPP-approved NEW Standard Overview Course for the applicable standard. The start date for this requirement has been extended from July 1st as previously announced due to the delay in the standards’ publication.
NRPP-Certified Individuals, Please Note: Radon Measurement Professionals (RMP) will only need to take the measurement standard update course. Radon Mitigation Specialists (RMS) will only need to take the mitigation standard update course. However, if you hold BOTH certifications, then you will need to take BOTH of these courses in order to renew.
To find the NEW Standards Overview courses CLICK HERE
Editorial Content Wanted: AARST publishes content over two platforms. We are interested in radon and vapor intrusion interest stories, technical papers, business topics, health advancements/detection in regard to radon-related issues, and more. Please submit content for consideration to editor@aarst.org.
Welcome to Our Newest
AARST Members!
Brad Callister (UT), Cody Sanders (IL), David W. Cook (WI), Emerson Lopes Rezende (MD), Hunter Hill (AL), jeff sanders (IL), JJ Morley (UT), Justin Myatt (TN), Kaber C Robinson (KS), Kurt Manske (MO), Lathan Saperstein (MI), Madeline Wroblewski (MN), Paul Rochette (OH), Robert Cheney (TN), Stephen Grohn (MN), Todd J Mellars (UT), Tom Smith (KY)
Welcome to Our Newest
NRPP-Certified Professionals!
Andrew W Block (NM), Charles O Stanley (CO), Cory Mankin (CO), Crystal N Kunz (MI), Jeffrey Allen Snawder (CO), Jeremy Dehn Harper (CO), Joshua Foote (KY), Joshua Walker (UT), Nathaniel Grondin (CA), Nikita Tsvetkov (CO), Noah Brooks (CO), Reed Robins (CO), Robert Graves (DE), Ronald Olivar (VA), Thomas Ross (KY)
AARST is a nonprofit, professional organization of members who are dedicated to the highest standard of excellence and ethical performance of hazard identification and abatement of radon, chemical vapor intrusion, and other contaminants of concern in the built environment. The organization primarily strives to advance the interests of its members through developing industry standards, certifying technical proficiency, enabling advancement of public policy, and communicating health risks to the public. – Revised mission statement, February 2023