The Indoor Environments Association, formerly known as AARST, addresses radon, chemical vapor intrusion, and other contaminants of concern in the built environment.

Volume 14 • No. 6 • June 2024
News and Events for the Radon and Vapor Intrusion Industry
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2024 IEA Award Nominations
Indoor Environments Association invites nominations for six association awards that recognize Radon, Soil Gas and Community Leaders who advance the profession. Please consider supporting your colleagues, employees, and community members by making them candidates for an IEA Award. Submit nominations HERE.
1. Jack Bartholomew Award (est. 2014) – for recognized excellence by the American Association of Radon Scientists and Technologists in the field of professional radon education
2. IEA Governance Award (est. 2006) – for significant leadership contributing to the Association’s governance
3. Elizabeth Hoffman Award (est. 2014) – for advocacy by a citizen-advocate contributing to risk reduction awareness and/or radon policy
4. Radon Community Impact Award – to recognize an industry partner (e.g., real estate agent/ broker, builder, home inspector, state radon program official, public housing authority, journalist, etc.), who advocated for radon awareness in their community (Standing Annual Award)
5. Radon Community Policy Award – to recognize an individual (e.g., federal, state, or local policymaker) who has an impact on radon policies in our country
6. IEA Chapter Leadership Award – to recognize an individual or the entire Chapter (Standing Annual Award)
Call for IEA Board Nominations
The Indoor Environments Association election process begins with the Nominating Committee’s call this month for nominations to be submitted no later than June 1. The election will be conducted in September. The results will be announced at the Annual Meeting on September 17 in Orlando, Florida.
Positions open for election are National Elected Directors (five) and Vice-President. For more information about how to nominate and duties for BOD members, READ MORE.
Please submit the completed IEA Board Nomination Form no later than June 1. For questions, please email
New IEA Logos & Brand Usage
Indoor Environments Association is pleased to be able to share the NEW and improved brand membership logo with all current members. Current and past members should review the Use of IEA Brand and Logo agreement located on the Member Dashboard. It is necessary to consent to this agreement when downloading the logos. IEA leadership thanks members for immediately taking steps to discontinue the display of old logos for AARST-NRPP or AARST in professional and business email signatures, websites, social media, and other communications. This action will help reduce confusion and inconsistency. Proudly display your new member logo by downloading your IEA Logos HERE.
Revised CCAH and MW-RN Standards – Public Comment Deadline July 1
CCAH Reducing Radon Soil Gas Control in New Construction of One & Two Family Dwellings and Townhouses: Consistent with ANSI requirements for harmonization of standards, the proposed revisions to CCAH are holistic relative to more recent work on ANSI/AARST CC-1000. The scope is broadened to include both radon and other soil gas hazards. The format is step-by-step through design and implementation. These steps and details vastly increase the chances of passive benefits while optimizing energy conservation when operating fans where active soil depressurization (ASD) is desired or found needed.
MW-RN Protocol for the Collection, Transfer and Measurement of Radon in Water: Consistent with continuous maintenance program plans, the latest publication of ANSI/AARST MW-RN is being published for public review. This public review is intended to solicit comments that will lead to improvements in upcoming publications.
DEADLINE to participate in the public review of these standards is JULY 1 CLICK HERE.
Chapter / Regional Meetings
- Indiana Chapter Lunch & Learn: June 5 11:30 – 12:00 (ET)
- New England IEA Radon Conference: June 13-14, Haverhill, MA
- OARP 4th Annual Golf Outing: June 18th, Sunbury, OH
- EPA Region 5 Radon Stakeholders Meeting: July 8-10, Ann Arbor, MI
2024 Florida Radon Awareness Poster Contest Winner – Submitted by the IEA Florida Chapter
Congratulations to Mairead Polland, from Hollywood Academy of Arts & Science, for winning 1st place in the State of Florida Radon Poster Contest! Mairead’s poster will be entered into the 2024 National Radon Poster Contest which is coordinated each year in partnership with the Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. See Florida’s winning posters and video below.
Congratulations to Alexa Karatzas and Sofia Karatzas, who won 1st place for the State of Florida Radon Video Contest! Don’t Wait Before It’s Too Late Watch Video

1st Place: Mairead Polland, Hollywood Academy of Arts & Science, Poster: Test Your Home Today to Keep Cancer Away

2nd: Victoria Hernandez, Miami Arts Studio, Poster: Radon

3rd Place: Alice Zemskoff, Hollywood Academy of Arts & Science, Poster: Radon Can Cause Lung Cancer

Honorable mention: Michael Yin, Omni Middle School, Poster: Radon the Grim Reaper
All NRPP Exams Now Delivered By Certiverse
NRPP partnered with Certiverse in the fall of 2023 to securely proctor the radon measurement exams remotely and have recently transferred all remaining exams over to the Certiverse platform. As of May 20, all radon measurement exams (RMP and RMFT), all radon mitigation exams (RMI and RMS) and the Compliance Inspector exams are proctored by Certiverse. The requirements and rules for taking a remotely proctored exam with Certiverse are the same as those of the previous delivery provider, however the test-taker experience is different. Proctoring is no longer done through Zoom and verbal interaction with the proctor is not required. To take an exam with Certiverse, test-takers must install a secure browser that “locks down” their computer to prevent them from accessing the internet, email, or other applications during the exam and all communication with the proctor is done via the chat feature. Plus, tests can now be taken in “open-concept” living spaces and no longer have to be taken in a room with only one door. Results from NRPP’s post-exam survey indicate that only 10% of test-takers had difficulty understanding the communications with the proctors at Certiverse in comparison with 90% of those who tested through the previous provider, and experience a greater level of customer support and more responsive and more professional proctors.
For more information on NRPP’s measurement and mitigation exams, please visit
JTA Development Experts Needed
In 2024 NRPP is building credentialing programs in the following areas and is seeking radon and vapor intrusion experts to help develop these credentials:
- Radon Mitigation Specialist/Installer
- Radon Measurement Professional/Field Technician
- Commercial Mitigation Manager
- Commercial Measurement Manager
- Vapor Intrusion
We need your expert opinion to develop fair and valid certification programs that define safe and effective practice for measurement and mitigation professionals. Click for more information
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Welcome to the Newest
Members of the
Indoor Environments Association !
Colt Contreras (IN), Dave Park (NC), James Veatch (IN), Jordan A Clancy (CO), Justin Tolentino (IL), Michael Bahan (IL), Paul Pike (CO), Robert C Lopez (CO), Wendy Rimbey (MD), William Tyler Ransley (MD)
Editorial Content Wanted: Indoor Environments Association (AARST) publishes content over two platforms. We are interested in radon and vapor intrusion interest stories, technical papers, business topics, health advancements/detection regarding radon-related issues, and more. Please submit content for consideration to
Welcome to the Newest
NRPP-Certified Professionals!
Alexa G Snyder (IL), Austin L Milam (CO), Barry Mankin (TN), Brady T Timbrook (CO), Brian A Farley (CO), Brian K MacIver (MD), Brian Mankin (TN), Bryan C Jacobson-Reighter (IN), Chance Bertolami (CO), Christopher S Webb (MD), Christopher Tyler Bradley (CO), Cody Combs (KY), Cole P Bova (CT), Daniel Bright (CO), David A Dooley, President MJW Corporation (NY), David Beadles (MO), Dylan Strawser (OH), Edward R Hagstrom (OK), Emily Ambrosi (NJ), Eric S Gardner (AZ), Gabriela Cyrulik (CA), Glen Boley (UT), Jacob K Hansen (CO), Jarad S Hayden (CO), Jason Carmack (AR), Joel Fortenberry (CO), John A Strimple (NC), Jonathan J Walker (VA), Joseph L Danes (ID), Joshua K Moore (CO), Justin R Trujillo (CO), Kelsy Soderlund (MA), Kevin P Nelson (CO), Landen c Bullock (UT), Latima L Clark (OR), Levi Prather (GA), Marley Watkins (AZ), Matthew D Goldman (GA), Matthew G LaGrange (IN), Mercer Wright (NV), Michael J Schatzke (ND), Michael W Lingle (IN), Michelle L Everitt (CA), Mya A Smith (IN), Nathan A Bodnar (CT), Nathan J Brown (IN), Neil Pasko (CO), Nolan B Stowers (CO), Patrick R Seng (KY), Perry J Davis (CO), Randy G Scheer (ID), Robert W Finch (GA), Roo Beers (CO), Ryan Sodan (MN), Samuel McClanahan (CO), Sarah E Vitro (NY), Virginia K Duckworth (VA), Whitney A Davis (OK), William D Rittner (AR)
Indoor Environments Association is a nonprofit, professional organization of members who are dedicated to the highest standard of excellence and ethical performance of hazard identification and abatement of radon, chemical vapor intrusion, and other contaminants of concern in the built environment. The organization primarily strives to advance the interests of its members through developing industry standards, certifying technical proficiency, enabling advancement of public policy, and communicating health risks to the public.