Indoor Environments 2025™
The 39th Annual Radon and Vapor Intrusion Symposium

Save the date: Fort Worth, Texas
October 26-29, 2025

For questions and more information, please contact: Symposium@IndoorEnvironments.Org

Information for Presenters


  • Presentations:  Slides are the property of the presenter but IEA retains the rights to publish slides on the Symposium Slide Library webpage unless the presenter specifically withholds permission.
  • 2025 PowerPoint Slide Template: All presenters are expected to use the template to unify the presentations throughout sessions. The background color and design may be changed, but the footer must be used on the first and last slides and all content slides except where a large chart, table, map, or other graphic needs the entire slide. Please refer to the non-commercialism policy for the use of a professional business logo.
  • Non-commercialism guidelines: In general, references to or displays of trade names, logos or products provided by any commercial organization are not allowed. For the complete guidelines, see the Non-Commercialism Policy.
  • Papers for the Proceedings: Authors invited to write a manuscript for the published proceedings must follow the instructions on formatting supporting materials such as bibliography, images, and graphs. Papers, once peer-reviewed, edited, and accepted, become the property of IEA for publication in the Proceedings.  A manuscript submitted by the deadline will go through the editing process. Responding in a timely fashion to all inquiries the editor makes throughout this process and meeting deadlines improves the chance of publication. Proceedings Rubrics.
  • Proceedings Rights. Authors own the rights to the work in their paper, but IEA owns the rights for publication purposes.
  • Posters: A poster is a graphic presentation of an author’s research that illustrates findings by displaying graphs, photos, diagrams, and a small amount of text on a 4 feet high by 8 feet wide poster board. The presenter will receive a scheduled time for discussing the presentation with attendees. Each poster presenter shall bringing tacks, tape, or stapler and attach the poster upon check-in. Posters remain on display Sunday through Tuesday.