Vol. 8 No. 3 March 2022

News and Events For the Radon Professional

State and Tribal
Indoor Radon Grants (SIRG) Program

For more than 30 years, EPA has provided critical funding to support state, territory and tribal efforts to reduce radon-related health risks through the
SIRG program. EPA wants to ensure that all eligible parties, including tribes, have the information they need to apply for SIRG funding. Each year, EPA allocates funds to the 10 EPA regional offices for award to recipients. Each regional office has an established radon/SIRG program coordinator who negotiates work plans, tracks progress, provides technical assistance compiles reports from recipients in their region and performs other grant-related activities. For all SIRG opportunities, initial proposals/ applications must be submitted using grants.gov. You can find details in A Fact Sheet for Tribes.

What’s In Your Truck

Check out what’s in Jesse Green’s truck! (owner of American Radon Mitigation, Inc. and AARST North Star Chapter President). Want to show what you bring to jobs? Send us a video, we’d love to share what’s in your truck!

ICC Code Change Proposals

AARST, American Lung Association, CRCPD, EPA, and National Center for Healthy Housing submitted code change proposals to the International Code Council to attempt (once again) to improve Appendix F. Technical proposals call for connecting perforated pipe or geotextile matting to the tee fitting under the slab; centering the pipe in an unobstructed cylindrical space in the attic for fan installation except where an electrical supply is provided on the roof or other accessible area; connecting perforated pipe or geotextile matting to the tee fitting under the membrane or connecting it to the interior drain tile system; specifying ASTM E1745 Class A poly to be consistent with another section of the IRC; and allowing an exception from placing aggregate or sand where geotextile drain matting is installed on well-drained or sand-gravel mixture that meets Group 1 classification. A sixth proposal, led by EPA, would eliminate the limitation of the use of Appendix F to Zone 1 and delete the EPA radon map and county list. The IRC Committee will hear the proposals at an in-person meeting in Rochester NY in late March / early April.

In Mailboxes Soon

The first Radon Reporter issue of 2022 will be in mailboxes this March. This informative industry magazine is published three times a year exclusively for AARST members and active NRPP professionals. Keep an eye out for your copy that includes articles about conducting business during inflationary times, VI transactional considerations, mitigation, the Radon Report Card, NRAP, and the 2022 Symposium.

Reach over 3,500 readers by becoming an advertiser!  Email news@aarst.org for details.

Start planning your trip to the 2022 International Radon and Vapor Intrusion Symposium this October 24-26, in Bellevue, Washington.

Stakeholder Meetings are BACK!

Stakeholder, region and chapter meetings are back! Meetings are a great place to get C.E., hear hear updates regarding policy from local and national radon partners, see radon exhibits and make new connections!

Region 7 is March 8 at Overland Park, Kansas. To register for the meeting visit: https://kstate.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_5tpfWwAgH7ftZ9c  To register for Monday CE visit https://radoncourses.com/CE/In-person

Midwest Region Stakeholder is March 11 at Oak Brook, Illinois. For pricing, to register and CE credit information visit: https://www.mwaarst.org/events/#!event/2022/3/11/illinois-radon-stakeholders-apos-meeting

Region 8 is April 7 at Moab, UT. To register for the meeting or courses visit: https://deq.utah.gov/waste-management-and-radiation-control/radon/2022-epa-region-8-radon-stakeholders-meeting

Find Radon Events and CE
AARST National Calendar

Read Archived RnBiz Articles

Radon Video Contest

The Indoor Environments Association held its first Radon Music Video Contest this past Summer. The contest challenge was to create a short (< three minutes) music video that uses any song, changing the original words of the song to words that promote radon awareness or testing.

2024 AARST Board Elections

2024 Board Elections Candidate Bios American Association of Radon Scientists and TechnologistsIndoor Environments AssociationIEA Election Ballot Voting in the 2024 IEA election opens on August 30 and closes on September 16 at 1 p.m. ET. Members will receive by email...

2024 Indoor Environments Association Board Election

Notice: 2024 Indoor Environments Association Board ElectionThe Indoor Environments Association election process begins with the Nominating Committee’s call this month for nominations to be submitted no later than June 1. The election will be conducted in September....

Kentucky Chapter Advocacy Forces Mounting to Fast Track Radon-related Policy

Seventeen radon advocates and professionals met with more than 20 Kentucky lawmakers for Radon Advocacy Day on January 23rd. For the first time, Kentucky Radon Advocacy Day was held as a stand-alone event focused on radon-related advocacy. Strategically during...

Notice: 2023 AARST Board Election

Hendersonville, NCAs a leading voice for industry progress, AARST is led by a standout group of industry leaders. The AARST election process begins with the Nominating Committee’s call this month for nominations to be submitted by the end of June. The election will be...

American Radon Policy Campaign (ARPC)

AARST Needs American Radon Policy Campaign AdvertisersThe American Radon Policy Campaign (ARPC) is AARST’s program to represent the radon industry through lobbying in Washington DC and state capitals. It will be supported in 2023 by members and companies purchasing...

The American Association of Radon Scientists and Technologists Announces New Executive Director

The American Association of Radon Scientists and Technologists (AARST) has named Diane Swecker as its new Executive Director, effective January 3rd, 2023. Ms. Swecker comes to AARST from the American Society of Civil Engineers with proven successes in association and...

2022 AARST Board Elections

AARST Needs American Radon Policy Campaign (ARPC) AdvertisersThe American Radon Policy Campaign (ARPC) is AARST’s program to represent the radon industry through lobbying in Washington DC and state capitals. It will be supported in 2023 by members and companies...

PAC Silent Auction

The AARST Radon PAC is sponsoring a silent auction in conjunction with the Symposium. The PAC needs prizes from AARST members! Please consider contributing something attractive and fun to the effort.  Here’s a list of suggestions: Golf outing, fishing trip, whitewater...

Radon Licensure Required in CO

Radon professional licensure now required in Colorado DENVER - Consumers building or buying homes should be aware that any associated radon measurement or radon mitigation services must now be performed by a licensed professional in Colorado. This requirement took...

2022 Symposium Call for Presentation Abstracts

Your knowledge and experience is very important to us! We are looking for presentation abstracts from members of the scientific, medical, professional, educational, housing, business, policy, and advocacy communities to share new and innovative technology, research findings, business and financial strategies, policy updates, and other topics that will educate radon and chemical vapor intrusion professionals and other stakeholders. This Call also includes proposals for Continuing Education Courses offered during the Symposium. Deadline for submissions May 15, 2022.

Welcome to Our Newest
 AARST Members!

Aaron Lyons (NE), Andrei Jablokow (PA), Brande Doll (NE), Charles Van Allen (KY), Elizabeth Teague (MA), Jason O Bates (OH), Joshua Fitzgarrald (NE), Lance N. Rule (WI), Robert W. Corum (NE), Salvatore Nolfo (NC), Terry Ross (NV), Tina Ross (NV), TJ Tolley (IN), William Whipple (GA), Zan Jones (IL)

Welcome to Our Newest
NRPP Certified Professionals!

Aarmond J Proctor (CO), Alex Becker (CO), Austin Ogden (MD), Benjamin Shein (AZ), Bradley A Lewis (VA), Brandon Klacynski (VA), Brian Weltman (CA), Christopher d’Arcy (PA), Christopher Elliot Smith (MO), Christopher Job (CA), Cody Nish (WY), Craig A Madsen (CO), Cyrus Garrison (TN), Darby Nafziger (MO), Dennis M Minter (CO), Derrick Clayton Winstead (OH), Dwight Chew (VA), Dylan A McRae (IN), Everett L Imel (KY), Hamid Rafiq (PA), Jason A Lee (IN), Jason Muckey (NY), Jeff Anderson (WI), Jessica L Shulman (MD), Joshua A Judge (IN), Larry Kinney (PA), Madelyn G Rodgers (VA), Mark Rojek (IL), Matthew R Sedia (KY), Michael J Watson (NY), Michael P Reid (GA), Michael Smit (NM), Nathan C Prince (ID), Nicholas A Long (TN), Rene Lloyd (IN), Robert B Perkins (MD), Ronald Melchior (MD), Ryan Giacomini (IL), Shawn Eddy (VA), Sierra Lulli (GA), Taliesen Partridge (AL), Teresa Kulakowski (VA), Thomas M Tankersley (NC), Wayne Krupp (MI), Whitney Laude (TX)

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