Indoor Environments 2025™
The 39th Annual Radon and Vapor Intrusion Symposium
Save the date: Fort Worth, Texas
October 26-29, 2025

Symposium Program Advertising
Advertising in the symposium program is an additional way to engage your existing clients and attract new ones! Advertising spots are Full, Half and Quarter pages, and are to be supplied as high print resolution images.
- For Premium Level Sponsors: All premium Sponsors have (1) ad included in their sponsor package. (refer to package for ad size). Extra desired ads should be purchased separately. All ads will show Premium Sponsor Level.
- For Non-Premium Level Sponsors: Ads for Vendors and Sponsors who are not Premium Level Sponsors may be purchased at the following prices:
- Full page ad price: $550.00
- Half page ad price: $350.00
- Quarter page ad price $250.00
- Advertising counts towards Points.
- Vendors are to supply all art for ads.